"We can just use my account. It's that simple." Rumi stated, "We can still call people out even if we're just using my account."

Hobin and Snapper's faces lit up.

"Are you sure you really don't mind?"

"Of course, this is actually good for me as it will help my channel." Rumi smiled smugly as she flicked her hair over her shoulder.

"This is good but are you sure Jinho won't be expecting it? After all, we're in the same company and all associated with each other." I expressed my concerns.

"True, but maybe he didn't think that far ahead.. Besides, we have to try." Snapper added optimistically.

"It'll be fine. We'll split up the ownings." Hobin promised Rumi.

I still feel uneasy about the whole thing. I'm sure Jinho saw the video and is going to get us back.

The problem is I don't know what he'll do or when.


Rumi seemed surprised when I offered to go jogging with her.

It seems like they really do not realise the dangers after messing with a guy like that.

Of course I can't let Rumi run alone at night.

I wasn't even surprised when someone grabbed Rumi from behind.

Quickly, I dodged the person trying to grab me and kicked the guy holding Rumi in the side.

The guy gasped in pain and stumbled back, releasing Rumi.

"Gyeoul punch!" Gyeoul appeared behind me, punching the other guy in the face before he could do anything.

I smiled at her as she just looked embarrassed to see me.

Wangguk smiled and placed his hand on Gyeoul's head, ruffling her hair.
A gang of people stepped out of a van. Of course he wouldn't only send two people after us.

Considering how weak the other guys were, this shouldn't be too difficult.

Although they all seemed to have weapons..as long as we avoid getting deep cuts it will be fine.

"Take Rumi and go!" Wangguk told Gyeoul.

The pink haired girl was about to protest but I cut her off, "Go. Don't worry about Wangguk. You'll trust me, right?"

Wangguk seemed reluctant to let me stay but didn't say anything in protest.

Gyeoul frowned as she helped Rumi up and fled from the scene.


Everyone had been attacked but luckily we were all okay. We all crowded around the ambulance, those who fought were slightly injured.

Those guys left soon after Rumi and Gyeoul had left.

"Who could've sent them? It must be someone really nasty." Jinho smirked as he interrupted our conversation and loomed over us.

It's pretty obvious he was the one who sent them but we couldn't do anything as we didn't have any solid evidence.

"The police are here too. Did something happen?" Jinho smiled as he stared directly at Hobin.

Hobin pointed at Jinho and yelled, "This guy's the culprit. He was the one who ordered the attacks. The people who attacked us are all working for him!"

I've never wanted to slap Hobin so hard until this moment.

The police were definitely puzzled, "Hey, kiddo... What are you talking about?"

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