We walked along the river looking at what was around us .

"You look beautiful " he said to me looking down stopping us in the middle of he large park. My cheeks heated up looking at the ground . He lifted up my chin before dropping it as he stared at me in amazement.

"What?"I asked him.

"Normally when poeple blush they go red but you have gone blue " he said staring at me in confusion . I pulled out a compact mirror flipping it open and he was defiantly right , my cheeks were a dark blue at this point.

"I have to go" I said to him speed walking away to the arena .

"Wait why" he said chasing after me . I look down out my feet to see a pair of silver boots forming as I muttered shit under my breathe .

I sprinted off as the boots made me go fast getting out of his view. My body stopped as I reached a window . I was now covered in a light body suit covering my face as my blonde hair stuck out .

Normally my Lego piece necklace tells me when an incident is happening but I gave it Luke .

'Loverest get into duty" I heard my head say as I sprinted down the street .


I felt the Lego necklace on my neck buzzing .

"Get into mission , get into mission clothes " I let out a breathe as I had just ran a large distance trying to catch up to her .

The next minute I looked out myself to see my whole outfit changed into my superhero costume and that when I realised I was now dr. Fluke and someone needed help.,

I sprinted to where I had to be my legs doing all the works as I stopped infront of the beach where a boat was sinking and people were gathering all around . I ran into the water as they all looked at me .

I swam through the water fast quickly finally reaching the boat . I dived deep down helping someone up to surface as I quickly swam them to the sore before going out again .
I continued this two more times until there was only one person left.

I swam over to them grabbing them as someone did he same time .

As I resurfaced  I looked at the person . It was her the girl in the blue suit with the blonde hair that always appeared doing something on television .

We both reached the shore helping the man out as I looked at the girl . I couldn't see her face but I could tell she was beautiful .

"Wow you guys did amazing what's your name" a reported said coming over to us.

"Dr Fluke" I said in a voice deeper than normal .

"Loverest" she said as you could hear her Irish accent perfectly . The name was almost as amazing as her .

"Wow you two have done so many amazing things , why don't you reveal yourself"

I was about to say something as I was cut off by Loverest .

"Growing up I always needed a hero someone to look up to and save me from this evil world and I never found one so I became one myself so I could help anyone having a hard time" she said as I looked at her with sympathy

"And that's why I am going to keep it a secret because it's the hidden me " she said silently before walking away. She speeded up as she was no longer in sight by anyone.

I looked around at the ambulance helping the people who we just saved and at the reported right up in my face as I took a step back . What had my life become and did I really want it .

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