Chapter 7

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On the way to the track I became increasingly nervous and played with my fingers. "Hey, it'll be okay!" my brother tried to encourage me. But it didn't help until he started singing my favorite song. "Years ago, when I was younger! I kinda liked a girl I knew!" he started.
I couldn't sing along at first because I was still too nervous, but I joined in with the chorus. "I'm in love with a Fairytale, even though it hurts! I don't care if I lose my mind! I'm already cursed!" I sang along and noticed how my nervousness disappeared. When I arrived at the paddock, I quickly disappeared into Carlos' room in the Ferrari paddock. Only when Mattias' voice outside my door said that we were starting in 15 minutes did I change my clothes and put on my balaclava and helmet straight away so that no one could see me. When I got to the pits, the mechanics put the finishing touches on while the engineers explained everything to me again about how I could get through the curves better. I thanked him with a thumbs up and got into the car car after I got the go. Without further ado, they gave me my gloves and the steering wheel. I heard from the team radio that mine was switched off for clearance and I could communicate with them normally. "Radio Check Y/N Radio Check! " I heard through the headphones. "Yeah loud and clear!" I replied, to which all I heard was "Great." I was still in the warm-up lap but shortly later I saw the start and finish lines and got the signal that I should go into the fast lap. "Yellow flag turn 4 be careful!" is all I heard and slowed down a bit after turn three. "Who is that?" I asked when I saw the McLaren next to the track. "Norris!" came from the team radio. My heart stopped for a moment but when I saw his thumb up in my direction I continued driving normally again. "Can I drive another one?" I asked tensely because Fp1 was supposed to end in 5 minutes. "Not actually, but since you and Norris are close, I'll just justify it with a second warm-up lap! Keep driving Y/N!" I got the answer. "Thank you!" I said before I continued driving. This time I completed the fast lap with a P5. Luckily I still had Fp2 for today and tomorrow Fp3 and qualification. Without further ado, I drove into the pits where the mechanics and engineers made some adjustments while I disappeared back into Carlos' room. When there was a knock on my door I got a little scared but when I heard Mattia I calmed down and opened the door for him. "P5 for the first free practice isn't bad, but next time you can't let yourself be distracted, even if it's your brother who has a minor or even serious accident, you have to keep going and find out about the condition after the race!" he explained me. "Sure, I understand, it won't happen again!" I said and got ready for Fp2. I sat with the mechanics until they told me I could get into the car. Immediately one of the mechanics (I think his name was Reneè) gave me my steering wheel and gloves and I drove out. While I was still on my warm-up lap, Charles passed me in his fastlap. When I was in the fastlap I passed him. I heard him for a short time on the team radio. "It's never Carlos! He doesn't drive so tired of life and hits the brakes much earlier!" he complained. I had to admit I drove differently but that apparently made me faster because I was in P2 at the end of Fp2. I quickly went to change and left via a rear exit Paddock so no one saw me. I quickly pulled my paddock pass out of my pants and ran to the Alpine box where I met my brother. "Hey, do you have to go somewhere or should I take you with me?" I asked him. He looked around briefly to make sure no one heard us. "First of all, congratulations on a great time! And no we can, I just change quickly!" he said and disappeared into the paddock so I quickly went to Ferrari where I found an angry Charles. "What's going on?" I asked him, knowing that I had finished him on the track and that Max had P1 again. "Oh, Carlos has a completely different driving style than usual and I'm only in P5!" he complained. Without further ado, I gave him a quick hug, which he replied. "There's also another training session tomorrow and the qualifying will go better too. I'll be there I'm sure!" I said before Esteban got there and we drove off. At home I decided to cook something that definitely didn't correspond to the diet plan, but Esteban and I were fine with that because we really needed something different. Even though I haven't ridden in the last few years, I've stuck to the diet and training plan to stay in shape. I put the finished food on the table and told Este that our food was ready. After dinner I got a message from Lando saying he wanted to meet up.
I agreed. I quickly took a shower and put something else on before going to the hotel where he and the other drivers who didn't live here stayed. I saw him waiting outside the door and honked once. He immediately ran towards my car and got in. "Hey, where were you today? I didn't see you in the paddock at all?" he asked directly. Shit! If even he noticed it, then so did everyone else. "I wasn't feeling so well, I was only there after training to pick up Este ." I lied, concentrating on the traffic. All he could say was an incredulous "Aha". "Where do you actually want to go?" I asked him. He smiled. "Just eat some ice cream and then I have to tell you something!" he laughed. "Landooo don't make me curious!" I whined before Motorsport by Migos came on from my "Feel like a Villain" playlist. Lando just started laughing. "What's so funny, that's one of my favorite songs from the playlist?!" I complained. "Well because it's true, motorsport is one of the hottest sports but also the most dangerous and anyone who hasn't done or doesn't do motorsport can't understand that!" he said and I could hardly believe that something clever actually came out of Lando's mouth. I looked surprised I looked at him because we were standing at a red light. "Lando!" I almost shouted. Now it was he who looked at me in shock. "Something clever came out of your mouth!" I laughed. Now he had to laugh too. I parked my car at a small ice cream parlor and we sat down at one of the tables outside. "So what did you want to tell me?" I asked eagerly. "You remember your best friend from high school who you had with you to every kart race?" he asked cautiously. I knew immediately who he meant. Louisa and I were always inseparable until I moved and we still Skype almost every day. "Sure How could I forget Louisa? I still Skype with her almost every evening! What's wrong with her?" I laughed. Lando started to get nervous and scratched the back of his head. "Well, how should I put it... I may have fallen in love with her? We've been in touch again for a few months and yeah, it just happened somehow.." the Brit stuttered. I just smiled like a fool, I knew that the two of them were in touch but that was new. "Oh countryoooo but that's great !" I said and gave him a quick hug before one of the waiters brought our ice cream. While we sat there and ate our ice cream, we talked a lot about what had happened over the years when we didn't have much contact. So I told him about all the failed relationships I had, whereupon he gave me a sad look. I smiled slightly. "I gave up anyway! If I deserve true love, he or she will find me and not the other way around!" I said before I put another spoonful of ice cream in my mouth. Lando gave me a mischievous smile. "Maybe it will even be one of the drivers who will find you !" he said, whereupon he received a kick to his shin. "OW, WHAT WAS THAT FOR!?" he complained, which made me laugh. Now he laughed too. "It's the laughter again that I missed so much! I thought I wouldn't hear that anymore after so many serious topics !" He said to which I smiled again. "I think I'll take you back to the hotel, you have to leave tomorrow morning!" I said and paid the bill. He nodded in agreement and we went to the car. As soon as we got in, we both received a message. I opened it and what I read shocked me.

The weird way we met..... (Charles Leclerc x reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon