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Hearing Aswadh say that he was going to marry the princess of The Mughal empire every single person present in that tent, his general his ministers and his advisors  everyone was shocked because they never expected their king to say that and the most shocked was King Iqbal.

Aditya approaches his king and says  " My king can I have a word with you in private?" But Aswadh dismisses him and anyone else did not have the courage to go against the word of their king but the Mughal king speaks up " Don't you dare lay a finger on my daughter! She is the pride of our empire and I will never allow you to even lay eyes on her, I don't care if you kill me but let go of my family!." Aswadh smirks and says " But what do you think she will do when she hears that her father is here on his knees and will be killed if she does not come, No matter what I am taking her with me to India as my wife." Hearing this the father In Jahapanah Iqbal came out " Please spare my daughter she is a innocent child , she will never pose a threat to you I swear please let me protect her dignity this is the last I can do as her father."

Everyone deep down felt bad seeing him trying to protect his daughter and everyone was shocked to see that their kind King would do this to a woman but what they were thinking was totally different from what Aswadh was thinking. Aswadh smiles and says " Listen if you think that she is going to be treated that way then you are wrong because the moment she marries me she would be the Queen of an empire bigger than your's , from where we come we are taught to respect women no matter who they are." 

Aswadh was disappointed with everyone present because he knew what they were thinking they thought he would treat a princess inappropriately. Aswadh knew the king would never allow him to even look at his daughter but that is what he had to do to show his place to him and complete his revenge, To this the Jahapanah says  " She won't come no matter what because she knows the protocols that a princess is never supposed to come out in front of a stranger man and that too on a battle field" 

"Aditya send a letter to the Malika a letter that her husband is defeated and that if she wants to save her kingdom send the shehzadi to our tent ." Aditya knew that once his friend thinks of something he does not stop till it's done so he agrees and goes away "You will regret this in the future I am telling you" Jahapanah says and Aswadh smirks thinking that it would be him who would regret for doing what he did 16 years back and is shifted to a tent for prisoners.

Aswadh faces his minister's  questions and clarifies that it is a part of his revenge and dismisses them but he knew that he would have to answer his best friend's question "Aswadh what are you even thinking of doing?! You seriously can't bring a woman in this because you know that is not how things work in our country" Aswadh knew that this would happen and he was a bit disappointed that his friend thought that he would disrespect a woman in that way.

" Aditya calm down that's not what I am going to do, 16 years back I lost people who were precious to me so I am going to make him see his daughter live a life of torment and I am sure it would be more painful for him more than any other punishment" Aditya was deep down actually relieved that his friend was not going down a wrong path for revenge " But what do you plan to do with her you know that Rajmata will not be happy with your decision" Aditya replies and what he was saying it was true and even Aswadh knew it because his mother hated Mughals to their core but for him to take his revenge this step was necessary " Did you send the letter?" Aditya knew that he was trying to change the topic but he went with his act " Yes your majesty it might have reached by now." 

On the other hand in the Mughal palace everyone was anxious because there was no news but suddenly a guard came asking for permission to enter the Queen's chamber where she was with her daughter Edha because for both of them it was hard to spend this night alone because of anxiousness  "Malika, may I enter the room?" To which the Queen asks him to come in and the guard delivers the letter to his queen  she opens the letter and reads with trembling hands.

" This is a letter by the king of India, The Jahapanah of this kingdom has been defeated by me and if you want to save his life and this kingdom I demand the princess to come to our tent till tomorrow morning if she fails to come till morning then we will kill the King and attack on the city" hearing this Edha and the Malika got scared thinking of what would happen to the kingdom "Take the shehzadi to safety and try to evacuate as amany people as you can!" Malika says to the guard with tears brimming in her eyes " Ammi no I won't be going anywhere I will be going to the battle field I have to save father and our people" but the queen knew that when a enemy King wins a war a woman becomes just a means of pleasure for them.

"No this the order of a Malika take the shehzadi to safety right now!" Edha knew that her mother would never agree with her so she had to sneak out to save her father she knew that she could not break at this moment this was not what her father taught her he taught her to be always strong " Ok mother I will listen to you but please give me your blessings and I promise that I will always be strong and fight against whatever life throws at me" both the mother and daughter  had tears in their eyes but what the queen didn't know was that her daughter was seeking blessings to go out on the battle field "I will take my leave now mother and remember I will always love you" Edha leaves thinking she would never return to this palace again since she was by herself walking into the lion's den.

Edha sneaks out goes to the Royal stable and takes her horse Naseem and rides to go to the battle field and no soldier stopped her because they thought that she was fleeing for her safety but what everyone in that kingdom didn't know was that she was going to the battle field to save everyone and her father she knew that she will face only difficulties from now on but she would endure  it because her parents did not raise her to be a coward who would run away from battles.

How do you think will be the first meet of our leads?

I have once again completed another chapter and am updating it more early than I thought in this chapter if you guys think there is something I should work on please let me know in the comments 

Will be uploading the next chapter real soon so please wait for sometime 

Bye bye guys hope you liked this chapter your author signing out 


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