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Aswadh's POV

After so many years the time has come for me to take revenge for my father's and sister's death I will bring the emperor of Mughal dynasty to his knees in front me, only then can I sleep in peace.Right now standing in front of the Mughal palace with the mighty army I have built over the years reminds me of that day. Now I will make the King regret every single thing he did with my family. He will not be able to escape from his destiny.

" My king" my best friend and my trusted general Aditya walks in " What's the situation Aditya?" "My king it seems that the emperor is going to put up a fight he is not going down easily" I knew this would happen there was no way he would accept defeat so easily but it was good though where is the fun in a revenge when your enemy gives up so fast. " We have conquered so many kingdoms just for this day so I am sure my army can handle this" Aditya smirks and says " Yes Your majesty we can bring the king down to his knees in front you."

A smile spreads across my face thinking about the revenge and we both walk out of the tent and I meet my army Aditya whispers in my ears " Give them a speech so they are encouraged." I nod " Good evening, my men are the most bravest people I have met and I appreciate that you are always ready to give your life for our sacred land and I will make sure that you and you family live in happiness I am always thankful for you people but now our aim is to bring the Mughal empire's king on his knees because they were the people who killed our last king and the princess of our country let's make sure that they regret that" as I finish my speech everyone scream and thrust their weapons in the sky watching this scene I feel proud of everything I have built over the years.

Aditya comes to me and asks " Shall we attack?" He is right we should attack them now because even the king out on the battle field now with his army so I nod, Aditya goes away to give the command I hear him say "ATTACK!" I roar "Jai Bhawani" and everyone runs to attack the enemy and me and some officials set out on our horses.

Third person POV

The battle goes on but on the other hand in the palace of Mughal empire everyone gets anxious because their king was out on the battle field but the person who was more worried about it was none other than the king's wife the queen of the Mughal empire just then a guard enters the chambers and the queen asks the guard with worry evident on her face " What is the status of the battle ground, do you even know why the King of India is suddenly attacking us without any prior notice." afraid of the queen's wrath he drops on one knee with his head low and says " We are sorry to inform you that we don't have any information why the King of India is waging a war on us." then a young woman enters the chamber the queen looks towards her and says " Edha what are you doing here? Don't you know that the princess is supposed to be in her chambers with soldiers during a war!?" 

Then she speaks " Mother please let me go on the battle field I am sure I can help father" listening to this the guard was shocked because never had he heard a princess going out on a battle field and same was the state of her mother ,angered she says "You are not going anywhere! For God's sake you are the princess of this empire! Your father would never allow anyone to taint your dignity so go back to you chambers." She claps twice and asks the servants to escort the princess back to her room, Edha looks at her mother but does not say anything because she knew her father would never let her step on the battle field.

Aswadh's POV

Finally the wait is and the King of Mughal empire is in front of me on his knees with restraints all over him . Smirking I ask him " So how does it fell kneeling in front of another King?" Looking at me he spit and says " You are an unworthy king ,don't you know that you are supposed to inform before waging a war but you brought your army at our gates and expected us to fight back without any preparation" listening to this it cracked me up "Hahahahaha...... how funny is this you are giving me lessons on ethics but don't you remember what you did 16 years back , what you did was more cruel than what I am going to do to you."

Third person POV

While talking Aswadh had a cold face such from which even his best friend creeped out because he had never seen something like this. The Mughal king once again said " You have will have your downfall and I am sure it will be caused by someone you love because arrogant people are always defeated by someone their own . So if you have decided to kill me I will ask something from you and please don't hurt the women and children of my kingdom they have not done anything" listening to this Aswadh said "Who said I am going to kill you?" Everyone in the tent was shocked to hear this because everyone thought they had captured the King to kill him so the Mughal King speaks up 

" So what are you going to do with me, I don't even understand why you are attacking us but if you expect me to be your slave I would rather die" hearing this Aswadh started laughing and said " How shameless can you be you don't even remember what you did and if you thought I was going to make you a slave you are wrong I will give you back your kingdom and everything" listening to this the Mughal king was a bit confused but asks " Then why did you even attack us?" Smirking Aswadh replies " Since you took something precious from me I will take something precious from you. I will marry your daughter." Hearing this everyone present in the tent was shocked even his best friend Aditya since it was something no one knew about.

So guys what do you think will happen ?

Dear readers if you have anything you don't understand please do tell so that I can improvise it and positive criticism is always appreciated

A shout out to pashminaa because of you I published the 1st chapter more early than I had thought



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