Hospitality (Part 1+2)(rewritten)

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< Third person POV >

A medium sized expeditionship was crashing through the waves of the atlantic ocean. It wasn't fancy or anything, but it would definitely do its job.  The three countries on this mission were on the bridge. Germany was watching over the crew operating the ship. He didn't knew much at all, but he still needed to keep himself occupied with something. America was strangely obsessed with the picture UN had provided of the person standing on the cliff. Russia was minding his own business. He would occasionally look up from the phone and look at America. 

Russia: "Hey, why are you so obsessed with this guy on the photo?"

America:"What is it to you? Is it wrong to try to gather some infos from a photo."

Russia was only curious, had however nothing left for America the ask in any way politely. America answer seemed shallow he wasn't mentally there for the conversation. His eyes dug into the picture. He was mesmerized by the picture. One sentence however would quickly snap him out of it. 

Russia:"Are you imagining if you can fuck him or be fucked by him?", 

America/Germany: "What?!"

America: N-No, I am not, commie!"

Germany: "Could you please not start a fight here!"

America and Germany were thrown off guard by this question. Germany more by the vulgarity then the challenging part of it, even a light shade of red from embarrassment. America only had been thrown of since he was to capturted in the picture. He had asked himself too many questions about this person. If he was completely in for the conversation, he would have rebuttal instantly ready. He desperately wanted to find one, especially after Russia had stood up in a challenging manour for him to say or do something stupid.

< Germany POV > 

I didn't want this to escalate into a fight, especially on the bridge of a very expensive ship with fragile equipment. I need to throw in some questions about the island or this guy. This should keep them distracted from getting on each other's throat. 

Me: "Who do you think is this guy?"

The other two perked up at this sudden question. Russia never really looked at the picture and became intrigued. Was it really that much of a question that they would instantly forget about the argument they were about to have.

America:"I'm not sure, the picture is absolute garbage, almost like it was made with a toaster running on a potato. He definitely is someone important, his armor makes it clear. HEY!!!"

Russia: "Yeah no doubt about that. He needs to be a leader to wear something like that."

Germany: "Can I see the picture?"

Russia: "Alright."

Russia had snatched the picture out of his hand and started observing it before America could do so more. Of course he would just give it to me, if it was America he would have said "no" or just ignored it. 

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