CH 3: Tally ho, lads (Waldmannsheil, Jungs)

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speaking = "example"

whispering = "example"

thoughts = "example"

screaming = "example"

-----First Person-----

I walked on this improvised path for what felled like hours. The sun has long past its zenith and the only sound I hear are my footstep and the rare rustling of animals and birds in the nearby flora. It felled peaceful something I haven't experienced for years. No trenches, no explosion of artillery ells, no planes and no painful screams of the unfortunate ones that ran in front of the mg nests. Just only nature. 

I diverted my attention back to the path ahead and saw a crossroad. 

(Y/N): "Seems like my patience paid off."

Until I saw it parted into three different direction. I mentally sighed and looked around for clues. 

(Y/N): "There something that must indicates in which way at least a village is. Aaannd there is a road sign...OK, let's see."

I inspected the wooden signs closer. Confusion washed over me. One of the free signs simply read "Mines". So not this way. The other two were a different story. I didn't recognize the two names. There were of foreign origin obviously but they reminded me of the place names in Scandinavia.

(Y/N): "This doesn't make sense. Well, what does make sense here anyway. But I was near the Caribbean. How could I end up in Scandinavia?"

I quickly recapped everything that happened to me to this point.

(Y/N): "First my zeppelin was destroyed by a storm. Then the storm seemingly wanted to swallow me whole. Next I wake up somewhere far away from where I should be, somewhere rather resembling Norway or Sweden. What in the name of the royal family is going on here?!"

(Y/N): "Hehehe, maybe I am going crazy. Or maybe I died and got reincarnated into a different world like in these fiction novels I heard about. Hah haha, *takes deep breath* calm yourself (Y/N). Focus at the objective at hand."

-----Third Person-----

Meanwhile back at the zeppelin a dark figure could be seen moving through the nearby woods. He was completely clothed in black with a hood over his head and a mask covering the lower part of his face. He belonged to a local bandit group searching for some potential targets.

Bandit scout: "The last robbery didn't go so well. They had less money than we expected and these pesky royal soldiers were nearby too. *groan*"

That's when he saw something strange between the trees ahead. He couldn't identify what it was. So, he decided to go near the ominous super structure.

Taking the safer option he hid behind a bush just outside the clearing. From there he could see the intimidating yet impressive Behemoth before him. The name "Ocean Crosser" painted on the oval shape top part. The whole structure seemed impossible. The giant top was only being held up by a few connected metal boxes underneath it. Something like this would normally collapse under its weight.

Bandit scout: "What is this thing?  It's almost as big as an entire castle. How is it even standing? Hmmm, maybe it holds a large treasure room somewhere in there. Nobody seems to be around. I should take a look inside maybe I can find  something valuable."

Before he could step out of his hiding place onto the clearing he saw someone coming up the dirt path near him. He quickly ducked behind the bush again and observed the stranger approaching the would-be-fortress. He wore strange cloths. There were fit for nobility or that of a rich merchant, but the colors were dim grey, more appropriate for a commoner, with a red stripe on his hat and golden buttons on his top. Was he trying to hide his nobility or was he wealthy enough for the cloths but not the colors? The bandit saw him entering the mysterious building.

The flying Fortress (Imperial German Male reader x Feh) (on HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now