T h r e e

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Charlotte always had my back.The only problem we didn't think of of Liv catching us.Because the every time would drag me into the kitchen to take a shot,Charlotte would step in with a distraction which I can only describe as absolutely priceless.

The first time she went with "OMG LOOK!",then she would quickly turn around and take the shot.It would have worked if Liv wasn't around. She gave me a frown right before I had to down my punishment shots.

The next time she went with the 'tapping on the other shoulder'. I don't need to say,it was another failed attempt.

"Shots!" The screams ring through my ears making me feel like I'm spinning.

"One for you,"Charlotte hands me a red cup. I think this is my sixth?maybe seventh?she squints as she scans the room. "You know, I never know how she does it.They must just pull themselves at her."Charlotte glances over at Liv grinding on top of someone who I can describe as looking like an influencer.

Get it girl.

"It's her,I'm telling you.Her brown balayage hair swaying around and her eyes attracting everyone." I tell her.

"She makes it look easy."

"Charlotte brown."my voice full of excitement.

"Whatttt?" Her eyes look at me full of innocence.

"Are you planning on having your first one night stand,because of so I have to pick you the perfect person." I am so excited to be her wingwoman.She has to know that it is just as easy for her to make a man drool over her.

"You are insane." She huffs, but I know she doesn't really mind it.

"I don't think I am."the blush on her cheeks is telling me I am looking in the right direction. "Just tell me."a laugh leaves her lips as she shakes her head at me.

"I just want to get it over with, but I don't want it to be someone random." I nod,understanding where she is coming from.My first time was last year with Oliver jones.We went on a couple of dates before and even though we weren't serious, I don't regret it for a second. I trusted him.

"Let's just go with the flow and see what happens."she gives me a smirk.

"Who are you and where is Emma gone?" She giggles.

I roll my eyes and laugh. "Ha.Ha.Your so funny."

"I was just checking because you are either a stranger or so wasted because I have no idea who you are."she continues.

"Welll,here is my plan.You and me,hooking up with these hot looking shots,So we don't have to date boys."she kisses my forehead before taking a shot.

I lose track of how many times I have let liquor burn my throat.

The first one is losing my stress from class.

The next the stress from knowing I'm going to be hungover.

The next. The stress of missing dance practice.

Next trying to find a new job.

The next bumping into him.

Next I don't care about a single thing that happens to me tonight.

My eyes scan the room looking for Charlotte that I have lost.Suddenly I feel like I can't stand anymore and everything starts to spin.

When I step forward,a cold feeling hits me. I look down to see my out covered in some sort of liquid.Fuck.

Shit,shit,fucking hell.

My eyes look up towards the guy who is continuously apologising.He grabs the first thing he sees and gives to me to dry myself.

Bathroom. I need to go to the bathroom. I might not be great at doing my laundry, but I know whatever this is,is definitely going to stain. I reassure him that it's fine, and ask him if he knows where his bathroom is.

"I'm pretty sure it's upstairs."thanks for your not very specific answer.

I stumble my way upstairs without asking for any other directions.

Five,no way.One,two, three, four, five,six.There can't be six door up here.Six?My hand comes in contact with the second door handle but before I can open it. The door opens right in front of me.

"Oppise daises.Wrong door." I blurt.Her face full of disgusted.

Then there is silence.I wish that the floor would open and sallow me up.Like right now,please and thank you.

The girl stares at me before fixing her fixing her top and walking right past me to go downstairs.My eyes travel to the red haired guy zipping up his pants and I don't think I have ever turned around quickly.He nods at me as he walks past.

That was awkward.So fucking awkward.

As soon as he is out of my sight, I continue looking for the bathroom. I move onto the next door.Before I can open the door my phone buzzes.

Char:where are you

I try to put my self to text her that I'm in her bathroom. I am not in the bathroom but I'm so close to it.maybe,she knows where it is.My eyes look down to the stain on my outfit.

I think for a moment,of fuck. I'm not wearing my own top. It's fucking liv's.Which I'm thinking it's not cheap. I really need to find the bathroom,quick. The open the door and it flings open. It must be the bathroom.

I wish it was.But it definitely is not.

My eyes widen as I see him kissing some random girl. I already know my cheeks are bright red.My heart stops.

"Greyson." I blink trying to make my brain work. "Sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt this, I need to find the bathroom,as you can see,"my hands a glide down my body. "I'm trying to find the bathroom but there is too many rooms in this bathroom." I laugh, I should really stop talking but I can't. "Anyway," I clap my hands, "let's just pretend I wasn't ever her.You can continue,it looked fun."and I slam door.


It looks fun?seriously?What am I doing?

Floor ,come on please sallow me up.PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD.

I slide down the door,not being able to stand anymore. There should be a stop talking button in real life.

Saying something stupid?shut up.

A squeal leaves my mouth when my body hits the ground. I look at the blonde girl looking down at me. "You should go clean yourself up." She says stepping over me,walking back to the dance floor.All of a sudden I feel a pair of brown eyes looking down at me.


A smirk grows on his face as he leans on the doorframe. "Hello."his voice warm. "It looks pretty cozy down there." I roll my eyes at him.

"Just shut up."

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