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The couple arrived at their house. They parked the car and got inside.

"Does anybody else know we're here?" Kim said, looking back at the boy who was closing the door. 

"No," The younger shook his head walked over to the older, and looked him in the eyes. "So, explain yourself." He folded his arms.



After the two made up and decided that they'd never try to lie to each other ever again. They loved each other very much. Kim adored Porchay, and Porchya adored Kim. They were the perfect couple.

As they hugged, they heard someone scream. "OH MY FUCKING GOD, MY EYES!" Tankhun screamed.

Kim looked back and laughed, while Porchay just smiled and shook his head. Porchay's arm wrapped Kim's neck, and Kim's hands were on his waist.

They were about to kiss when suddenly someone ran into their room and slammed the door shut. "Porchay, please tell your brother to stop jumping like rabbits, I want to gouge my eyes out now." Tankhun was out of breath from running around the castle like a track star.

"I'll personally tell him, don't worry," Porchay replied, smirking.

"Kid, don't tell me you're going to see him now, because I don't recommend it." Tankhun stood up straight and had his hands on his hips. "Aish, don't worry, P'. I've accidentally walked in when he was having his bed creaking time with women from the bar he used to work at." Porchay brushed it off like it was nothing.

"What? Don't look at me like I'm in the wrong here, not my fault." Porchay walked out of the room, leaving the two siblings stunned. "Did I hear what he just said?" Tankhun turned his head to Kim. "Oh, he'll be fine. I ruined his innocence before." 

"I'm sorry, WHAT?! That's it, I'm out." Tankhun hurriedly ran out of the room to get himself out of there and find Arm or Pol.

Kim scoffed at how easily he could get Tankhun out of his room with one sentence. 

Meanwhile, at Porchay's...


I walked to my Hia's bedroom and I still hear them fumbling around like fucking cats having a fight or something. When I was about to open the door, I heard Tankhun scream and run out of my room.


I wonder what Kim said to make him scream like a girl, anyway.

"Hia!" I yelled, "3 seconds." I added.


I burst open the door and shut my eyes closed, knowing that they weren't clothed. 

"You know, Hia, I can hear you two from my room right?" I folded my arms, facing my body at the two. "And my room is on the other side of the damn castle!"


"Ah! Nuh-uh. Rest assured, I won't tolerate any bed squeaking every single night, no matter who calls me. I demand respect for my peace, and this conversation is over." 

"What about that time when your doors were locked, you never lock your doors unless you're doing something private or personal?" Hia said, making me squint open my eyes open slightly. Oh, finally clothed horny bunnies.

"Glad to see that both of you are clothed." I smiled, "Yeah not under the blanket though." Kinn muttered, almost making me puke. 

"Please shut up, I will personally throw up in this room." I made a judgy face at him until Kim entered the bedroom. "Ewh," He said as he put his hands around my waist.

"Anyway, so, uh, stop creaking the beds and the entire floor for at least tonight, okay? I need some sleep," I sighed, waiting for an answer. "It's not like you get any," Kim mumbled. "Oh, I'm sorry, excuse me?" Porsche glared at Kim.

"What?" Kim turned back to look at him, "What did you just say?" 

I just wanna teleport myself into the abyss.


"I meant the sentence before what,"


"And the sentence before that,"

"Am I wrong though?" 

"Enough," I pinched him. 

"Keep doing that and you won't get any sleep tonight," He whispered into my ear. "Alright, alright. We're leaving." I walked out of the room, but not out of sight, waiting patiently for him.

"Don't try and come into the room when you feel like the floor is vibrating tonight," Kim winked at Hia as he clicked his tongue and walked out of the room. "Try not to traumatize everyone in this household," Hia yelled.

"They like music, so what?" Kim caught up to me and put his hands around my waist. "Whatever we did a few weeks ago, wasn't making music," I corrected him. "But it was music to my ears," He pecked my cheek.

"I'll give you two options, number one, shut up and we will get to finally sleep soundly tonight, or we don't," I said, making him lean over. "Is that an invitation?" He growled, smirking. "Maybe," I smiled and ran back to our room.

"You sneaky little cat." He chuckled. 

"Try your best to get in and I might give you a reward tonight." I leaned on the door, looking around to find something to block the door. Ah, right, my staff. Where is it?

I banged the floor twice yet again, but this time only calling for the staff. 

There it is, my precious white moon. 

I adore this staff. 

I walked away from the door and sprinkled a little magic, it wouldn't hurt, would it?

"Darling, you're cheating aren't you?" Kim said over the door. "But you know how to bypass it, don't you?" I replied, walking over to the closet choosing black laced lingerie, and quickly putting it on.

I pulled out the drawer with the toys and placed them nicely across the lower section of the bed. I sat in the position that has always successfully made Kim hard and made my staff disappear.


Words: 1k

Published: --

Republished: 3/3/24

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02 ⏰

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