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𝑹𝒊𝒏𝒂'𝒔 𝑷𝑶𝑽

I walked into the place I looked around for "Kitty!" I saw her talking to some really good looking guys. I then made eye contact with this really cute guy she was talking to so I walked over. "Kitty you look AMAZING" we laughed together and hugged.

"Me you look great, like wow your legs!" she was going to say more when the mystery guy said.

"Look at our boy. Where did Dae get that suit? Yo, Dae." to which Kitty and I turned around.Thats when they spotted each other and broke off into a sprint towards each other. I let them have their moment so I turned back around.

"Hi, by the way I'm Rina and you are?" I smiled

"Q, love the dress, and kitty was right your legs do look great," he said to which I laughed. The other guy moved Q out the way and spoke, "And I'm Min ho and your gorgeous," he grabbed my hand and kissed it. I blushed at that and he smiled at him.

"I wanna get to know you more mind if we talk," I nodded my head, and he grabbed my hand and walked me over to seats and we began to talk. We had a lot in common we laughed together.We talked about our common interests and he was a bit shocked that I was fluid in Korean. I didn't realize how long we were talking, then something interrupted us when we heard a crash. We turned and searched around to see the cause, that's when I saw Kitty on the floor surrounded by cupcakes.

I sprinted over and helped her up, asking if she was ok, but all she said was get her out of there.So I walked with her to her dorm. "Hey what happen," I asked as I wiped the makeup off her face. She then rambled on how Dae cheated on her with that girl that dropped us off this morning and I was pissed I couldn't believe he do that to her. She even talked about leaving. "Don't leave Kitty I need my best friend here," hugging her tight she broke out into tears again. After calming her down and helping her pack her luggage just in case. She started to push me out of the room.

"Are you sure you don't want me to stay," she assured me she'd be fine and pushed me out the room and said we'd meet in the courtyard tomorrow.

Ⓣⓗⓔ ⓝⓔⓧⓣ ⓓⓐⓨ

𝑹𝒊𝒏𝒂'𝒔 𝑷𝑶𝑽

I woke up to a person hovering over me, and I screamed and that made her scream. We bumped heads and she fell off my bed, "Who are you and why were you watching me as I slept!"

"I am so sorry I was really excited to meet you, cause I wanted us to become besties, and you were taking a really long time to wake,so I thought I watch you and wait, because I didn't wanna miss you waking up," I laughed at her as she fiddled her hands in embarrassment.

"So you're my roommate?" she nodded excitedly "I'm Madison Miller, and I'm sorry for scaring you, I hope we can become great friends," And we talk as I got ready for school. I made us breakfast as we chatted about similar things we had in common. Madison is a little weird, but super sweet. Now it was time to leave, so I took one final look in the mirror at my uniform and said bye to Maddie and left. (AN: The two girls from the bus ride are their other suite mates the ones 'friends' with Yuri)

Walking out of the dormitory, I turned right back around once I got a text from Kitty telling me to come to her room

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Walking out of the dormitory, I turned right back around once I got a text from Kitty telling me to come to her room. I groaned and turned back around. When I looked around her dorm floor  I saw only guys entering and exiting which was weird. Then I started to think why she wasn't on our side and then a light bulb went off in my head.

I started sprinting to Kitty's dorm, and started banging on her door . When the door open I pushed my way through when I saw Kitty. "Kitty, Song can also be a boy name, I'm so sorry I didn't realize you've boys dorms," I slowly spoke as I saw the other people in the room.

"Oh hi Q, and Min Ho," blushing Min ho smirked and walked. "Hey beautiful," he kissed my hand again like yesterday. We were having a moment as we stared into each others eyes that was until kitty stepped in between us. "Nooooo, she's my best friend and she is off limits, stay away Min Ho," she dragged me away and pulled me to the couch with Q.

Q had his tablet out and they were watching Yuri's family on the news. I gasped as I saw Dae on tv with them. As the conference was winding down, Yuri went to grab his hand but he moved his hand from her reach discreetly, gasped. "What?!" I looked at Kitty and everyone else and said, "He's faking thats a fake relationship." Kitty told me we'd unpack that after she get dressed.

Q went to get dressed as well so it was just Min Ho. He walked over to me with his swag and sat next to me. "Hey"


"So I never got your number"

"Oh you want my number?"

"I mean of course why wouldn't I wanna talk to a beautiful girl everyday"

"Oh really, so tell me this are you the guy from the airport who apparently couldn't speak English?"

"Yeah about that"

"Nope when you learn to be nice to my best friend then we'll talk," I said as I patted his face and walk over to Kitty's room.Before I could walk in I was pulled back,"Oh you just wait babe," he chuckled as he held me really close to him. "What ever you say, you stupid rich boy," and with that I left and yelled to Kitty I'd wait for her outside.

AN: Sorry for the shorter chapter, but look at that outfit accescories, like literally slay.

Stupid rich boy (Xo, Kitty oc x Min ho)Where stories live. Discover now