chapter 9

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Kazama had gotten into work with full spirit, and was doing his best in everything . After all party arrangements were fully prepared he now was just waiting for the party to start.

This party evening is going to be unforgettable,

Not just for the guests but for kazama too.

Kazama himself doesn't know what he's going to see. After this night, many things may change in his life. It can either be in a good way or a bad way. No one knows.


All the invited delicate guests started arriving one by one in the party hall. After all, this was not an ordinary party. The organizer of this party is Tokyo's one of the biggest businessman. So the splendor will remain. Then Mr. Kaneari came took the mic and started speaking " Hello my dear ladies and gentlemen, hope u all are having fun this evening. Today, I've arranged this party to celebrate my daughter's arrival. After 10 years she's finally came home from Canada.

After completing ger studies abroad she, my only daughter , will take over my business. But this is not just for that reason. Today I want to announce another great news to all of you. My daughter, whom I've held so dearly to my heart till this day, have finally found someone to hold her hand in future .( the crowd cheered in happiness) . So without making you wait any longer and will now call the main attraction of the party" then he said a bit loudly "Please Welcome My only Daughter Tamiko Kaneari and her fiancé Shinnosuke Nohara! "

Just then a girl in a blue gown and a boy in a coat appeared in front of everyone. The crowd burst into cheers and blessing in happiness. Everyone welcomed them and threw flower petals to them to welcome them.

Both of them came forward holding their hands together, smiling to each other and the guests.

But, among everyone who were happy for them there was someone , froze in his place. Like he had seen something he thought he would never be able to.

Kazama, standing in the corner of the room, he was shocked. Forze in his mind and body he couldn't process what he was seeing.

He rubbed his eyes again and again and again just to see if he's dreaming or not. If it's a reality or just his imagination, if it's the shinchan he knew or someone else.

And yes, it was kazama's shinchan! But at that moment kazama was so shocked that he didn't know what he should do. He felt an ache in his heart. He felt something heavy in his throat which made it harder for him to breath.

His breathing quicken, his hands started to shake and his vision had gone blur with those hot tears that formed there.

He saw shinchan, smiling, holding her hands, they went ahead in stage, introduced themselves and to be honest he looked so happy from his eyes .

He saw how his boss announced their engagement and brought the rings and how lovingly they put the rings in each other's fingers.

Kazama was still there, watching, while clutching his chest tightly so the pain doesn't kill him.

It was getting really hard for him to stay there, all the memories had started to flash in his mind. Every kiss, every 'I love you ' , everytime they held hands, their inside jokes and all. Everything had started to flash inside his mind and was giving him a great deal of headache. He wanted to go near him, hold him, kiss him, and hug him so tight that he could never run away again. But he was so ashamed of that day that he couldn't even look at him.

His heart and mind are busy in bloody war killing every happiness inside of him.

Regret fills inside and all he could do was stand and watch the person he loved so dearly till this day and was trying to find all these years suddenly appearing in front of him getting married.

Just then, to make it worse, they turned to each other to kiss on the request of the guests and Mr. Kaneari.

Before the kiss shinchan and Kazama's eyes met once.

But to Kazama's surprise those kind eyes somehow looked too distant, too cold, too hateful, just towards him.

Seeing it, Kazama's heart breaks into a million pieces, he bites his lips to stop the tears because he can't cry here. If he does that, it will be a big problem.

Meanwhile, Tamiko came near to him and started talking

*Tamiko:* You're Mr. Toru Kazama right! I have heard a lot about you from daddy. Glad to meet you Mr. Kazama" . Kazama wasn't in condition to speak although he managed to say something and said in a tearful tone "G-lad to meet you t-oo miss kaneari, congratulations!" Tamiko asked, looking at him a bit concerned "Are you alright Mr. Toru?" Kazama then somehow said, "U-umm, excuse me" and he ran outside.

Kazama couldn't see them , it was too much for him so he ran outside . Shinchan saw him running away out of the room. And wondered what happened to him.

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