𝟯𝟴. epilogue

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After their playful banter had faded out, complete silence had over taken the room. There was a looming presence over the two that was eating away at both of them. Neither girl wanted to face the facts that they were indeed growing up and would eventually, have to leave each other. They had been best friends for more than a decade, practically glued to each other's hip.

Nothing could ever force them apart, not even the ending of the world. But now they were their own people with their own hopes and dreams. And some of those ideas would force them to separate on the path from each other and they weren't ready to face the reality of life.

"Do you remember taking that picture?" Hana questioned suddenly, pointing at something that was pinned to the baby pink walls. The Berzatto girl's attention was drawn to a specific Polaroid and she smiled happily at the sight.

The picture showcased the aftermath of Hana Miyazaki's seventh birthday. The two girls smiled brightly at the camera, both covered in chunks of vanilla cake. They had decided to throw handfuls of the birthday cake at each other for fun before deciding to make their friendship official. It was basically the day that they became best friends.

"Of course." Natalie chuckled. "It was your seventh birthday and I decided it would be funny to smash your face into the cake."

"Yeah, I was covered in frosting, so I decided to throw a slice at your face in retaliation." Hana confirmed, also laughing.

"Our parents were so mad at us." Natalie reminded.

"So mad!" Hana agreed.

"But it was a special day for us as we officially became best friends." Natalie pointed out.

"And we still are best friends to this day." Hana confirmed.

"That's never gonna change, right?" Natalie pondered, finally deciding to clear the air.

"Of course not! We've been through how much shit together?" Hana shook her head. "Like remember when I popped your shoulder into place after Traeger broke it."

"Only you could do that. Harper literally fainted on the spot as soon as he saw the damage." Natalie chuckled.

"Or in grade 11, when you comforted me after my girlfriend cheated on me." Hana continued.

"We ate so much ice cream and watched too many shitty movies together." Natalie confirmed. "My stomach was killing me afterwards but I only continued to eat it as I knew it'd make you feel better." The two shared a genuine smile.

"You see? We've been through so much together. I'm never going away, even if you grow to hate you. I'll always be here for you, don't ever forgot that." Hana reminded.

"I won't, I promise." Natalie assured. "Best friends for life?" She held up her pink for the girl.

"Best friends for life." Hana confirmed, connecting their pinkies together to seal the deal.

"We better get going, we have a graduation to attend." Natalie reminded, noticing the time.

"Hell yeah, we do!" Hana exclaimed. "I'm getting so wasted tonight!"

"As long as I'm not taking care of you then I say do whatever you want." Natalie shook her head.

"You love me though!" Hana reminded.

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