Chapter Two

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"Uh take your shoes off, please." Said Cas slipping off his shoes and placing them on the rug side by side.

"Dude you wear that dirty ass coat of yours, smoke, but you take off your shoes?" Dean scoffed not wanting to remove his shoes. His boots smelled bad and so did his socks. He wasn't planing on taking them off in someone else company.

"My parents....they have rules and if you break them they can be.....scary." Cas said taking off his coat and folding it over his arm. Dean groaned taking off his smelly boots. Cas was going feed him after all. Cas frowned at smell of deans sweaty feet. Dean looked down at his feet and wiggled his toes. "I'll make dinner. There is a shower up the stairs on your right." Cas said nothing more and headed into the kitchen. Dean groaned trudging up the white carpet steps. White walls. No pictures hanging not a spec of dirt. This family is weird Dean thought heading into the bathroom and shutting the door. Dean turns on the water and undresses throwing his clothes into a messy heap. After ten minutes he gets out a grabs the white towel and dries off. Dean notices his dirty clothes missing from the floor.

"Cas! You little perv what did you do to my clothes?!" Dean yelled from the bathroom wrapping the towel around his waist. He didn't think Cas was that kind of guy.

"I didn't think you would want to change back into them." Said Cas outside of the bathroom door. Dean opened the door his wet hair sticking up. he sees Cas holding fresh folded clothes in his arms.

"I'm bigger than you I don't think that your scrawny ass clothes are going to fit me." Dean crossed his arms.

"They're my brothers, he is more your size. I'm sure they will fit." He said holding them out to Dean. Dean takes them and goes Into the bathroom closing the door behind him making sure it was locked this time.

"Freaking weirdo," Dean mumbled changing into the new clothes. Dean didn't know much about castiels family. Weird ass house, weird ass parents, A weird ass Castiel, and judging by the clothes a weird ass brother too. The pants were a little too short, but Dean wasn't really the one to care about that. Dean walked into the hallway again seeing Castiel. He looked like a damn puppy waiting for his food.

"You're a fucking creep, going into the bathroom while someone takes a shower." Said Dean. Castiel frowns. He didn't think it was weird. It's not like he saw anything or did anything.

"I didn't know, sorry Dean." Cas hung his head afraid Dean would leave for his inappropriate behavior. He pressed on the burn on his hand from earlier. He didn't want Dean to go. He liked Dean and wanted to get to know him better. He would have liked to have a chance to become friends with him. He felt some sort of a connection with him. Dean groaned seeing this pathetic look on Cas' face.

"Here's a tip, don't do it again if you don't want to get punched in the face. The next guy you try it on won't be as nice as me." Dean smirked patting his shoulder walking past him to go down the stairs. Castiels eyes light up and follows Dean. "What's up with all this weird white shit?" Dean asked plopping down at a seat at the counter.

"My parents like it." Cas replied simply. He never really thought about it. He had not been over to many peoples houses and didn't know his was any different.

"Weird ass parents you got there." Dean leaned back into the chair. Castiel couldn't disagree with Dean. They where weird, and he did not like them very much. "Your brother go to our school?" Dean asked breaking the silence again.

"No. He goes to Boarding school." Castiel said getting up going to check on the macaroni he was making for dinner.

"Yeah, weird ass brother you got there." Said Dean. Castiel tenses. He loves his brother and he is not some weird ass brother, as Dean so kindly put it. He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath.

"Do not speak about my brother like that." He said anger lingering in his voice. No one spoke bad about his brother, especially people who didn't even know him. Well his parents spoke evil things about his him, but Cas couldn't go against them. He was that smart, at least.

"Sorry," Dean mumbled, "I only know weird ass kids who go to boarding school."

"My parents sent him there. He didn't want to go dean. Stop speaking about him that way!" Cas turned around looking Dean in the eye. Castiel missed his brother and wish he was here, but sadly he is not and Cas will never put up someone talking horrible about him. Dean doesn't know anything.

"Okay, okay, okay. I'm sorry. Sure He is a great guy." Dean said. Castiel relaxed again.

"He is a great guy. He just couldn't follow every rule. My parents sent him away because he was a 'trouble maker'. But that's not true. He was a good brother and friend.....Gabriel....I miss Gabriel." Cas said the last part quietly going back to stirring the macaroni. Dean didn't know a lot about Cas, but he was learning more. He wasn't sure what to do with Cas. He could tell he was sad, but he didn't know how to help him.

"He Sounds great, Cas. Maybe one of these days we can drive up to where he is and visit him. I mean if you trust me enough not to sell your kidneys on our way up." Dean joked about that last part, but was serious about the offer. What better way to bond them being stuck in a car with one another.

Castiel smiled brightly, but his back was turned to Dean so he couldn't see it. "I think I could take you Dean. Im not that 'scrawny' you know." Said Castiel facing Dean again. Dean laughed. He could beat the crap out of Cas easy.

"No way in hell you could take me." Dean scoffed shaking his head. Dean could dropkick his ass to China blindfolded.

"Let's see then." Cas challenged Dean to a fight, well more of a wrestling match. Dean thought this kid was crazy. No way he has a chance.


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