She had a point, they hadn't taken over the mountain sooner when they clearly could've. She knew with grounders inside it would've been more complicated but she knew Lexa had a point even when her methods were bot what she would've done.

"But it helps no one to dwell on the past. And I'm sure that's not why you're here." Zalia nods and looks at her with softer eyes, the trace of anger now replaced with that look of determination that Lexa had grown to like so much. "We're not making progress at the meetings, Lexa. Your advisors are not listening to anything I say." Lexa nods "That is their job, they have to question everything you say and be doubtful of all of your suggestions." Zalia huffs in frustration. "At this pace we will never reach an agreement. They don't believe a single word I say. I don't understand how we can get to a middle ground." Lexa smiles slightly. "There is no middle ground, Zalia. You either accept to be in the coalition or we'll be at war." Zalia shakes her head. "This is useless! If we become a clan just like the others the coalition will fail eventually."

"And you think the other clans didn't think that? You think a clan as big as Azgeda just happily agreed to be like any other clan? This union stands because every clan is an equal at the table. That's how it will continue." Lexa responded and stood up. "You cannot honestly believe that the coalition will be continued by the next Commander if you don't have people other than you, enforcing it." Zalia said in frustration. "What the next Commander does is not something that I can control." Lexa responds, already getting tired of the conversation. "It is if you listen to what I'm saying!" Zalia exclaimed as she stood up. "You are completely out of line, Zalia. If we give this type of power to you and the Underground, the coalition will surely fail! The other clans will rebel and we will be at war! I don't even know what you want to achieve with this!" Lexa exclaims in frustration.

Zalia sighs as she stands in front of her before speaking softly.
"What I want is to give you the power you've shown you can handle. Lexa, I am surrendering everything I have to you. This is how much I believe in you. Even though you've betrayed me before..." Zalia kneels down in front of her and continues. "I beg you to understand, Heda. I have no other choice. This is the way the coalition will hold even after we both die. The clans won't rebel. You think I haven't heard what they're saying about me? If Wanheda is surrendering to you who would dare to challenge you?" Zalia sighed and continue.

"The Underground has to be an extension of you right now. Not of the next Commander. We will worry about that later, but right now I just need you to understand how fragile the Kongeda is. If you die it dies, and you know your people could move against you at any moment they see a slight sign of weakness. I cannot let that happen. Let me be your shield. Have I not proven myself already?" Zalia is trying to hold back the tears since she's speaking with so much emotion.

Lexa looked at her with curiosity in her eyes. Ever since she decided to unite the clans everyone received the idea with doubt and disbelief. She had heard it all from "It can't be done." to "This will cost you your life." but to Lexa, the coalition was something she was willing to risk it all for. To see her people living freely without killing each other was her dream. Achieving it was her purpose. So seeing someone for the first time that seemed to share her passion for peace and union was refreshing. It was surprising. Especially coming from someone that hadn't grown up with her people.

"Why?" Lexa asked her. "Why do you care so much about people that are not yours?" All of her life she had learned that her people came first, screw everything else. But to see someone having such worry for a group of people that she didn't belong to, it was fascinating.

"Because you embody everything I've dreamed about since I was a kid." Zalia replied. "One time I ran away from the Underground. I was little and I was so curious of what was outside... and I saw your people. They didn't see me but I saw them. How was it possible for people to live outside? That's when my parents explained our history. My grandparents were Azgeda and Trikru. Most of the people in The Underground come from different clans." Lexa looked at Zalia in surprise. She didn't know most of the undergounders were part of different clans in the past.

"Why can't we be part of you? That was my dream since I was little. And finally we can. But I want that to last. I don't want our union to be as short as our lives. That's why I care. Because I don't want more kids to live the childhood I lived inside that bunker. And I don't want your people to continue to be so afraid of us."

Lexa nodded and extended her hand and helped Zalia up once she grabbed her hand. "You didn't have to kneel until the ceremony, you know?" Lexa said as a joke. Zalia chuckles as she dusts herself off and replied. "Well you don't seem to believe me unless I'm on my knees." That made both of them laugh as they remembered their first meeting.


After their private meeting Lexa had summoned her advisors for a private meeting between her and them. No undergrounder was to be present, so Zalia decided she would use the time to train. Marian wanted to explore so she decided to take a walk around the woods near Polis and Echo was catching up with Anya.

After a few hours of training, Zalia noticed that Titus was walking over. She told her guys to take a minute while she talked to him. "What can I do for you, Titus?" Zalia said a bit out of breath as she walked over. He looked at her and thought for a second before talking. "Heda has had a sudden change of heart about the conditions in which the Underground will join the coalition. And Gustus tells me you visit her in her chambers this morning." Zalia nodded. "What you hear is correct." Titus looks at her slightly angry. "Dangerous game you're playing. May I remind you the other clans won't be happy with the privileges that could be given to your people."

"Tell me something, Titus... is there anyone you'd consider more capable to protect the Commander than us?" Titus clenches his jaw before speaking "I am not certain your desire is to protect her." Zalia nods. "I understand. But if she dies it would be like sentencing all of us to death and you know this. The clans won't dare to challenge when they see it's her leading the Underground." Titus raises his eyebrow in a doubtful manner. "And you will just surrender your command to someone who left your people to die a few days ago?" Zalia nods. "I'll do whatever I have to do to assure the coalition is strong." Titus smirks. "I will remember you said that." He walks away and Zalia looks at him suspiciously.

"Captain, Heda's people are calling. They require your presence in the throne room." Said one if Zalia's men. She nodded and they all headed towards the throne room.


Heyoooo! Hi everyone! So kind of a filler chapter, trying to set the scene before the important stuff happens. Tell me what you guys think. Was it too much of Zalia? Hmmm I still don't know how I feel about that.

Sending all of you a hug,

Alex L

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2023 ⏰

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