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(My art)

Welcome! I hope you all are having a blessed day. This is something that has been on my heart for a while now and now that I have the time and the motivation to write after a long school year, it's finally time to get down to the nitty-gritty. 

Right now, I think we all can agree that the world right now is chalk full of darkness and insanity. There isn't a whole lot of light. However, the darker it is, the brighter the light.

You are the goal here. Anything you are going through at this present moment, you are entitled to your feelings. If you need advice, comfort, and/or relatability, each chapter will be there. At the end of each chapter will be a paragraph that you can comment on to request a new topic to be covered. It can be something you're going through right now, or it can even be something that you have questions about. Whatever it is, it is sure to be covered.

DISCLAIMER: I've stated before in the description that this is a non-political, non-controvesial space. That means nothing about race, gender identity, or LGBTQ+ will be covered. None of these are what makes a person's personality unique. anyone can be the same race or sexual orientation, but can be so different in so many ways. That's what I want to get into. Thus, only issues such as divorce or lack thereof, death, mental health, physical health, bullying, and many others are more than welcome. The main reason for this is because I do not want to end up saying or doing something that ends up rubbing someone in the wrong way or offending them unintentionally. I have not had much experience with these issues myself, so I am not one to have any say in said issues.

That being said, my goal is to help you feel as stable, secure, and reassured as possible in this world that is quite the opposite. I've been to hell and back throughout my life and I can tell you that there is always a way out and everything will be alright.

Throughout our time together, we will get to know each other and hopefully get to be well acquainted! 

You're not alone, and are very strong.

How are you doing? ------->>>>

What topic would you like me to cover first? Anything you're dealing with or have questions about, drop them all here! Let me know your thoughts.     ------------------------------------>>>>

As always, stay strong my little warriors. Have a blessed day!

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