The talk (p2)

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[heyyy besites... totally hasnt been 6 WHOLE MONTHS. uh anyways... ive decided to join the osc again bc im bored. also im is the solarballs fandom now and i have a tt account the user is lisasrve_devilise , i hope you enjoy this chapter to anyone thats gonna read this and yeah! onto the story we go!!!!!]

Trophy's p.o.v

I was happy to finally get so many things off my chest. i looked at candle, she looked confused and odly upset. i asked her something. "Hey Candle?" "Yes Trophy?" "Are you alright? You look a little upset after what i said." She just looked at me and gave me a soft smile. "Im alright Trophy, just thinking." She stood up and asked me if i wanted to go have tea with her, i said yes of course who doesn't want some of Candles scrumptious tea???

We both steped into the kitchen and she made us some tea. We sat down and just had a normal conversation, it was noce to finally know i really had someone to talk to. I still have cheesy of course, yet talking to Candle is more soothing if that makes any sense.

<fast forward to about 8:36PM>

I was sitting in my room with my window open just zoned out looking at the bright stars as a warm breeze crept into the room onto my chilled face. I sighed and closed my journal still staring at the beautiful night sky.

"I feel better now." i sighed again and let out a soft laugh as i crawled into my bed and drifted off to sleep knowing i can rest easily again.

[275 words]

not that long of a chapter but im willing to make longer chapters if anyone would like me too! im glad to finally continue this, have a good day/night loves! ♥︎♥︎♥︎

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