He knows

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[wabashlaba!!! Anyways... uh this has talk about self harm and self hate so yeah-!]

Cheesys p.o.v

We left him alone for about 35 minutes now and I want to check up on him. I walk to our room and open it.
I see a bloody knife on his dresser and his arm is wrapped in bloody bandages.

I instantly knew. He hurt himself.

 I shut the door and made sure to lock it [not in a sexual way 😦]Remember, don't joke about serious things

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I shut the door and made sure to lock it
[not in a sexual way 😦]
Remember, don't joke about serious things. I thought to myself. He was shaky and looked terrified but, I slowly walked up to him and carefully took off the bandages on his arm. It stuck to his skin so he winced in pain a bit. He didn't fight back though. I just wanted to see how deep these cuts were. See how severe they are, how angry he was at himself. I heard him mumbling and cursing at himself while I looked around at his arm. These were pretty deep. They look really painful. "wait here." I said blankly. I went to grab the med-kit in our bathroom and came back to clean it. He squeaked when I first put the alcohol on the cuts to clean them.

When I was done, I put new bandages on his arm and stared right into his eyes. "why did you do that?" I asked in a soft voice. "uhm.. I- well..." he didn't really know what to say. Maybe he was uncomfortable. I grabbed his hands and rubbed them gently. "It's okay." I said, "If you don't want to tell me right now, you don't have to. I'm not forcing you." I carefully pulled him in for a hug and just let him cry. At this moment the only thing I feel is confused. Not upset or mad just, confused. Why did he do that? I should tell Oj right? Wait no, he could be sent to... uh.. what are they called again? Mental Hospitals? Yeah. I don't want him to go there.

"Hey Troph?"
"I love you."
"I love you too."

The room went silent. It's like you're out at night in the middle of the forest and you can't hear any noises except crickets and other insects. "Can I sleep with you?" He asked. "Of course."

I turned on the TV and put on a movie and we just layed there. I slowly inched my way over to him and cuddled up on him. We fell asleep.

(427 words)I know I'm this is short but yeah- bye!

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(427 words)
I know I'm this is short but yeah- bye!

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