critical p2

594 12 39

[so.. is he dead or not? mwahahah]

Oj p.o.v
About 3 doctors ran into the room trophy was in and all i heard was 'eeeeeeeeeee' from the heart monitor. I am scared, what if he dies? I cant get mephone to revive him because hes all the way on the island somewhere where they're still competing. So he might die.. forever. Forever? nononononononono he cant die. he wont die right?

~2 days later~

Trophys p.o.v

i opened my eyes. Its bright and my body hurts alot. omg did i die? i freaked out and looked at my hands and sighed. "Im still here." i said softly. I heard someone run into the room as soon as i talked, it was Oj. He sighed in relief and just hugged me. Im still confused but i know why im in the hospital. "Oj? Hey whats wrong?" "Nothing, nothing. Im *sniff* i- im just glad you're okay! Cheesy is on his way right now." "Oh, okay thanks, so do you know if im gonna be okay?" "The doctors said we should keep a close eye on you just to make sure nothing else goes wrong and youre gonna be able to come back to the hotel tomorrow." "why tomorrow?" "they just wanna make sure nothing goes wrong, and i got you a cat" " a caT?! LEMME SEE LEMME SEE!!" He handed me that kitten, shes a black cat. C U T E!!! "Thanks Oj!" "No No, its okay! Youre welcome"

~the next day~

cheesy decided to stay the night with me here and i just woke up, its 8:28AM and cheesy woke up at about 8:35AM and we drove home. He seems upset in a way. He hasnt said not one single joke and has only smiled once, maybe hes mad? I dont know, but im gonna give him a hug when we get back at the hotel! He helped me out if the car because im still very tired and hungry from not eating or sleeping much. We walked into the hotel at about 9:04AM and Oj was in the kitchen with paper and balloon. He opened the fridge and handed me a glass of milk. "Drink it." Cheesy said. he sounds so monotone, maybe he doesnt know how to feel about this all. I grabbed his arm and gave him a bear hug and a kiss. He smiled at me as his eyes lit up. "Im gonna make us some pancakes!" He said cheerfully. "Okay grasshopper" I said.

??? p.o.v

"So... when are we gonna tell him he has to see a therapist about this?" "i-i dont know.. maybe tomorrow?" "sounds good."

"We already h-have an e-eye on him right?"
"Yes, yes. Just wait for the.. right time."

[462 words]

there losers he didnt die bc im just SOOOOOOOOO nice! Hes totally not gonna die soon noo hahaah....

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