Shark ♥️

256 10 2

(*this is a bit of a sequel for the dolphin prompt*)

You sit up with a gasp and frantically look around the den.

Oh holy shit.

It was just a nightmare.

Your head gets pushed back down into the chest that you had been using as a pillow and the room lights up with not only your e/c eyes, but also with blue, red, and orange.

《Guppy why are you awake》

'...why are yall awake.'

Your shark like lover grumbles.

(You know I'm a nocturnal type of fish)

《Also, you were squirming around a lot》

[What happened sunbeam]

You stay silent for a bit but then they alp start headbutting you which causes you to break into giggles and laughter.

After they stop, Eclipse speaks up.

《But seriously, what happened?》

You sigh.

'A nightmare.'

[Ugh. What was it this time]

'All I remember is a bit scary monster eating me.'

《Eating you ou-》

You make a sound similar to a siamese cat before xey can finish xer sentence. 

You then yawn and everyone else yawns as well.

[How about we take a nice long nap...]


《Let's do that...》

You hear a snore and see Moon is already asleep and you giggle.

You adjust a bit until your comfy again.

Time to wait for sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2023 ⏰

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