Fish 💀 ♥

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It started with fish.

You went out and went hunting.

You still lived with your mom, but thats because you hate the idea of being alone.

Another reason was to help her.

Her health was slowly decreasing so you stayed.

You where supposed to go out into the world at five but you stayed and at some point you where eight and still there.

That last day was not your day though.

When you came back you saw barracuda's. 

Multiple poking around the den with red on their faces.

You quickly turned around and swam away crying.

Today you finally decided to come back.

It hurts, it hurts a lot, but you want to see it one last time.

You watch as fish swim in and out and you see more coral has grown on it.

You take a deep breath then swim towards it.

You look inside and see items inside.

Seems someone moved in.

You swim away then go to what was your mother's favorite hunting spot. 

This day seems to be kicking you in the gut, cause the first fish to go past your vision was her favorite fish.

You start to break down into tears and curse whatever God that controls time.

You rub at your eyes and sniffle for a bit.

[Are you ok?]

Your eyes snap open and you find two faces in your face,  one yellow with blue eyes, one blue with red eyes.

You yelp and fall backwards causing them to snort.

(You look sad. Did something happen?)

'When I was eight yeah...'

'...why should I tell you?'

[Maybeee cause we're good potential mates~]

Aaand it's flirts when they just met you, of course...I mean they are pretty...

You go red and hide your face in your hands.

(We where gonna ask you about your status before seeing you crying)

You stare at them for a bit.

Suddenly the yellow one wraps around you startling you.


[I'm forcing cuddles upon you!]

(She does that with me all the time)

They join in on the forced cuddles causing you to groan.

[We'll get off if you tell us~]

'...ok fine! My mom had terrible health so I stayed to help her. At eight years old I came back from my hunting trip to find a group of barracuda's and blood everywhere. This is where I used to live. Now unwrap please'

[Hmm sorry I crossed my fingers]

You stare at them in disbelief causing them to chuckle.

After a bit you grumble a bit.

This is probably life now.

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