the thing that made things weirder

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Denji got up scratching the back of his head. He grabbed a drink from the fridge but saw some booze. He grabbed it and chogged it down until he was wasted. Without realizing it he was drunk. He was dizzy. Wasn't thinking straight. And many other things. However power just got back from the store. She saw denji layed on the couch and decided to kick him for being lazy. "Oi! Denji come help" power said "mmm" denji said with drool coming out of his mouth. "Denji..." power shook him. Denji was awake but then he grabbed her arm. He pinned her to the couch and smiled "mm you feel good" denji said "hey! Are you drunk!?" Power said as denji kept going. He put one knee between her legs and his hand on her face. Then he kissed her passionately. He gave her nibbles and hickeys and powers mind was becoming a bit blank. With that denji fell asleep again and power formed tears in her eyes "perv.." power mumbled.

Denji had been asleep for 4 hours while power locked herself up in the room. Denji yawned and felt a bit hungry but since aki is out he might order fast food. He knocked on the door calling power "hey, power im ordering food what do you want" denji said "nothing! I want nothing!" Power said with a pillow in her face as denji thought to himself "whats up with her". Denji went ahead and ordered 2 boxes of pizza. He waited about 30 minutes before delivery could arrive. Denji was unaware of what he did when he was drunk And thats why he remains clueless as power buries herself with her pillow.

Denji just ate his pizza but felt pity for power so he called again "power this is your last chance if you dont come out im gonna eat the other box" with a teasing voice he said. Power was still mad at him but she wouldnt give up pizza for it so she opened the door marched down to the living room took the pizza and locked the room back. Denji worried asked "power wyda being so stubborn today" and power responded "YOU KNOW WHAT U FCKING DID" Power with a red face said. "No i dont cmon just come out already" denji said "no!" "Jerk" she mumbles.

I'm discontinuing this story i dont have motivation to continue whenever I do find motivation though I will probably continue

power x denji (chainsaw man)Where stories live. Discover now