drunkened power

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Denji and power snuggled up into the bed. But power didn't stop there. She hopped on denji and moved her fingers up and down his torso.. "mnh" denji moaned slightly "stop power just go to sleep" denji said "noo~ I wanna have fun with you~" power saying drunkingly. Denji tried moving power from on top of him but she was stronger. And since denji was a bit drunk as well he didn't have the energy to be taking her of him.  Power then whispered in his ear "denji-kun~~" power said flirtingly as denji blushed but resisted "power sto-" before he could say anything power kissed him and moved her hands down his legs. Denjis eyes widened and then just gave in and kissed her back they tongued kissed and then denji spoke "power we can't do this..." denji said "denji.." power said before getting knocked out on the bed. After that denji moved her to her bed and then fell asleep himself

In the morning

"Oh my god." Denji said remembering last night "what the fuck happened" denji said putting his fingers towards his lips. Power opened her eyes and then yawned. Denji looked over at power and asked "do you remember anything from last night?" She then said "last night? No why?" Power said "uh its nothing" denji said trying to forget what happened. Denji got up and cooked some bacon and eggs that he bought from the convenience store. He placed the food on the plate and sat down next to power "here" denji said "thanks" power said as they began to eat the eggs and bacon "this is good!" Power said with sparkles in her eyes "more!!" Power said "power i don't have any more" denji said "aw" power said looking sad "ill cook some more..." denji said looking away "yay!" Power said childishly. Denji got up from his seat and started to fry the flat eggs then cooked the bacon. He cooked another batch for himself because he wanted more and gave some to power "ahhhh" power said with her mouth open "what are you doing?" Denji said "feed me!" Power said. "Your not a kid" denji said "convenience plsss" power said "this is the last time im doing this" denji said as he stretched out his arm towards power and then power bit off the peace of bacon from the fork power blushed at the fact the food tasted so delicious "so yummmyyyyy!!!!" Power said "eat your own food" denji said blushing a bit "cute.." denji thought "WAIT NO GET THAT OUT OF MY HEAD BRAIN" denji thinking to himself "im gonna go watch some TV now" power said "what are you putting on?" Denji said "death parade" power said "can I watch to? I love that anime" denji said "okay!" Power said. She picked up the remote control on the the bed and turned on the big screen tv.. she put on death parade and they sat there watching the anime until it was time to check out

Three hours later

*knock knock* "who is it?" Denji said "its time to check out!" The worker said. They prepared there stuff and checked out the hotel and then arrived home at 11am. "Where have you guys been?" Aki said "at a hotel" power said "why?" Aki said "don't worry" power said with a big smile and then ran to the room to lay on her bed. Denji just sat in the couch and bing watched death parade.

Powers POV

I ran to the room and closed the door behind me.. in the span of three hours I started remembering fragments of last night. I didn't wanna bring it up so ill just pretend I dont remember. "I cant believe i kissed him!" Power said blushing.

I started liking him after what happened during when I was attacked from behind from the darkness devil. I was so frightened that I even asked him to bathe with me. But I just kept those feeling under control and instead I would jokingly flirt with denji - kun, when I just kissed him when I was drunk I couldn't believed what happened, and he remembered to...

End of POV

*ding ding*

Denji: hm? Who could that be

*picks up*

Makima: hi denji

Denji: oh its makima!

Makima: I have a task

Denji: yes?

Makima: can you babysit a child for me? Im busy at work. You will have your own apartment and power can come along i need all the help I can get

Denji: w-wait hold on!! I could ask aki for help

Makima: he's occupied that's why he's been going out the house lately

Denji: why does it have to be power?

Makima: because, I wanna see you act like a parent *smiles*

Denji: couldn't it be any other girl?

Makima: no there all occupied

Denji: *sigh* ill do it....

Next part coming soon

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