love devil (pt 2)

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Hey guys! I update randomly so i dont really know what time of the day or when ill be posting the chapters, i really hope you've enjoyed so far tho! Ill keep you guys updated now on with the story

Denji had woken up tired and uncomfortable due to powers sleep style, he got up scratching the back of his head sighing. Thankfully aki had returned after dissapearing after 2 days. "Yo!" Denji said "where have you been?". "Business." Aki said with not even a hint of a smile on his face. Aki had brought food to the table, aki had cooked some amurice for both denji and power but since power was sleeping he gave denji his food first. "Not even breakfast man? We skipping straight to dinner?" Denji said "i ran out of pancakes and eggs so eat that" aki said. "Well thanks for the food!" Denji said smiling before digesting the delicious meal.

Power had woken up a few minutes later and power ate her amurice, they later went on with there day as usual but aki stepped out. "Hey" denji said "yeah whats up?" Power said "dont you think aki stepping out of the house more often now?" Denji said "yeah and?" Power said "dont you find it suspicious?". "Maybe hes out doing work or something beats me!" Power said. Sigh, shes hopeless denji said in his mind.

Night time

It was time to fight the "love devil" a devil that plays with peoples emotions... Denji had gone to the location makima gave him, along with power. Turns out it was a cave, it was pitch black and they couldnt see anything in there, unfortunately they didnt bring a flashlight because they didnt know it was a cave. They kept going deeper holding on to eachother because if they didnt they were afraid they'd get lost. They went furthur into the cave until finally they saw a shimmer of light. They followed that light and saw lanterns lighting up the pitch black cave. There lied a very gooey one eyed giantic devil before him. "Ewww!!! What is that thing!?" Power said "lets just get this over with" denji said.. With that denji tried fighting it first without his chainsaws since it was very painful for him. Power used her blood to make two pairs of sword before charging in.. She went directly into the blobs stomach. "Hey! Haven't you learnt anything from tv? You cant just go charging in to blobs your gonna go inside of them!!" Denji said sighing "damn it" power said scratching her head as she tried swinging the swords to break free. Until eventually she got out. The blob like devil generated a heart shape by her mouth and pointed it to denji, it missed a couple of times dodging them before it hit both of them. Next thing you know they stare into eachothers eyes and fall in love with eachother. "This wasnt suppose to happen" the blob spoke "it can speak?" Power said before looking back at denjis eyes and saying "oh denji!~", and denji replying with "oh power!~" the blob saw this opportunity to charge in and attack "hahahaha! Yes keep getting distracted soon you'll get eaten by me!!!" The blob said. Denji staring into the eyes of power filled with love suddenly became firey hellish eyes, he looked directly at the blob transformed into a chainsaw and said "no ones gonna hurt my baby!" Denji said before slashing the blob in half and burning it so theres nothing left of it. With that denji picked up power up her feet and headed home saying "oh denji~" power giggled.

At home

Denji had arrived home with power on his arms... Aki was home to but he didnt care about him. He layed power on the couch knowing aki was there smoking.. He then looked at power with love eyes and said "power..." He said smirking before kissing her arm..

Wtf is happening? Aki thought to himself

Aki: hey uhm.. Are you guys okay?

Denji: power.. My cute munchkin

"Yeah something definitely up, im gonna call makima" aki thought to himself

Aki dialed makima's number and thankfully she picked up. "Whats this?" Makima said giggling "you never call my phone it must be urgent." Makima said smiling "yeah it is, both denji and power is acting lovey dovey" aki said "you called me for that?" makima said "dont you find it suspicous? there always fighting!"..... "hm.... i did tell them to fight the love devil, i think its possible they got hit by the beam and now there like this" makima replied "do you know how long it last?" aki said "Nope. but it would be interesting to watch them act like that do you think?~" makima said "she never changes." Aki said to himself before hanging up.

Part 3 coming out soon stay tuned!

power x denji (chainsaw man)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu