Part 1

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The feeling of an impact was what woke me up. I didn't know what was happening as my parent and I were going for a car ride and I fell asleep. I heard my parent crying for help. My dad was outside the car and my mother was trying to talk, but all I remember was me being scared of the fire and noises. I then felt someone take me out of the car and pull me into his arms cuddling me until I fell back asleep. This all happened on December 16, 1991, the day my world changes the day I meet My winter soldier.

Sorry where are my manners, my name is Nadia, and this is our life.

After the last fight Hydra had with the Avengers we were able to escape, Bucky had me awaken from the cryo freeze slumber and took me away from Hydra and fled to Bucharest.

" Bucky can we have some plums too?" I asked while we were at the market shopping for today's dinner.

"sure, baby doll, I think we got enough for some " he told me as he then started to talk to the lady and picked some then paid for them , " here Doll make sure you don't drop then ok? and don't eat them all before we get back home, I would like to be able to eat one this time" he says to me with a smirk as I just huff annoyed

" I didn't mean to eat them all last time, i was just hungry and they taste really good, better than any food Hydra used to give us." he gave me a sad smile as we walk and started to cross the street to a newspaper stand. Bucky then goes and grab the paper as it read Winter Soldier bomb at Vienna. I look up to him.

" That can't be right. We been here all this time why does it say you were there?" I started to get anxious that maybe someone was trying to get us,

" Don't worry Doll then wont, but we have to move, we have to get our stuff and leave."

he said as he places his arm around me and rushed us away from the crowed taking us back to the apartment. when we got there, I notice there was a lot of German special forces around the streets, " Bucky..."

" i know baby lets hurry" he says as we rush to the apartment but there was someone already there and he hide me behind him.

" Do you know me?" ask the guy who I recognized as steven Roger captain America.

"Your Steven we read about you in a museum" bucky told him as he looks at him confused.

"We?" Steve asked bucky as i walked from behind Bucky.

" Who is this?" Steve asked

" umm hi.. I'm Nadia ...

" she's my wife" Bucky said before i could say my last name as i looked at him surprised.

this Steve guy looks at us confused and worried but continue to talk." look I know you are nervous and scared and you have plenty of reason to be but your lying " this cause me to hold on to Bucky arm

" I wasn't in Vienna. I don't do that anymore" he told this Steve guy

" well the people who think you did are coming here now" said Steve , making me even more afraid then i already was

" Bucky?" i asked him as he held me closer, causing Steven to look at me then Bucky

" and there not plaining taking you alive... i can't Imagin what they may do to her "he said as he pointed his finger at me

" that's smart, good strategy " we started to hear foot step on the roof. " Bucky?" i asked him

"this doesn't have to end in a fight, Buck i can get you both out of here please?"

" it always ends in a fight" he said i looked at him worried as he takes the glove off his metal arm and touched my face as he stares at me before moving me away from the door and windows.

The Girl of Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now