10. a fated meeting

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"Its entrance exam is notoriously difficult. That place is seriously no joke."

Clearly, what Izuku had told you about U.A was the truth, based on the reactions of your classmates alone. You were both striving for something that most could only ever dream of, huh?

"Are you dipshits done running your mouths?" Katsuki scowled. He proceeded to literally jump up on his desk-and rather than chastising him, the teacher just shrugged, as if he was used to this shit by now. "I aced the mock exam," Katsuki proudly went on. "I'm the only one in this shitty school that's even got a chance. I'm gonna surpass even All Might as the top hero and engrave my name into the history books!"

There was only one thing you got out of that rant.

Mock exam? Shit, there was a mock exam? And I didn't know about it?

It was really beside the point, though. The teacher furrowed his brows, a look of realization crossing his expression.

"Ah, right," he finally said. "Now that you mention it, didn't Midoriya also want to go to U.A? I feel like he might've said something along those lines before."

"Yeah!" you eagerly chimed in. "Izuku's going to U.A too! You're not special, Katsuki!"

It had been your intention to cheer your friend on, but much to your regret, you were met with roaring laughter instead.

"Midoriya? Nah, there's no way! You can't get into U.A just by studying, dude!"

"Sheesh, talk about a pipe dream!"

They were all making fun of him, those absolute assholes. You watched as Izuku tried to speak up, albeit timidly, but they just kept on shutting him down. All you could do was clench your fists and grit your teeth to keep from lashing out and doing something you'd really end up regretting.

Katsuki, however, didn't bother trying to hold back like you were.

"Eat shit, Deku!" He set off an explosion that connected with Izuku's desk and sent the boy flying backwards out of panic. So much for Quirks not being used in school. The teacher didn't even say a word to put the bully in his place. "The rest of these losers are just about as weak as they come, but you don't even have a Quirk," Katsuki sneered. "You still haven't given up on that impossible dream of yours? Seriously? Where the fuck do you get off, trying to put yourself on the same level as me?"

Smoke rose from his palms and gradually filled the classroom. You scrunched up your nose in disgust. Not just from the stench, but the fact that everyone was watching Katsuki bully Izuku without so much as batting an eye. They clearly didn't care about how Izuku felt. They were just as amused as the ash blonde, if anything.

It made your fucking blood boil.

You grabbed a handful of Katsuki's hair and used it to roughly pull him back. "Hey," you warned, expression cold. "Back the fuck off. You're really taking things too far. Don't make me bite your throat out."

As much as you were determined to change your ways, if there was anyone who deserved to be threatened, it was Katsuki.

He slapped your hand away almost immediately, and it didn't take a genius to know that he was itching to fight you right then and there.

"You're always testing my patience," he glowered. "I don't think you realize how easy I've let you off until now."

"That should be my line. If I wanted to, I could..."

"What? You could what?" he challenged. "Come on. Out with it."

Your gaze drifted to the ground. You remembered that fateful night. You remembered your friend pitifully gasping for breath and begging you to stop, even when you were well past the point of seeing reason. In that moment, you were no longer yourself. Katsuki was one hell of a shithead, but you shouldn't resolve to stoop so low. He wasn't worth dirtying your hands any more than you already had.

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