This is the list for all of the A words that I have come across that I believe people should know.

Astrophile - One who loves the stars

Agliophobia - The fear of being hurt

Aesthete - Someone with deep sensitivity to the beauty of art or nature

Alexithymia - The inability to express your feelings

Angapesis - No longer feeling any affection for someone you once loved

Agelast - Someone who never laughs

Anaxiphilia - The act of falling in love with the wrong person

Adomania - The sense that the future is coming too quickly

Allagrugous - Grim & Ghastly

Appatense - Intense desire; strong attraction or natural bond

Aeipathy - An enduring & consuming passion

Ailurophile - A cat lover

Acatalepsy - The impossibility of comprehending the universe

Athazagoraphobia - The fear of forgetting, being forgotten or ignored, or being replaced

Agathokakological - Composed of both good and evil

Aeipathy - An enduring and consuming passion, often leading to obsession

Anathema - A person or thing loathed or detested

Ardor - Warmth and affection associated with romantic feelings

Acatalepsy - The impossibility of comprehending the universe; The belief that human knowledge can never have true certainty

Amative - Inclined towards or displaying love

Amorist - Someone who is in love; Someone who writes about love

Absquatulate - To leave abruptly; To leave without saying goodbye

Arcasia - Lack of self control

Arcane - Secret; Mysterious

Andraste - Invisible

Adrastus - Inescapable

Apate - Personified spirit of deceit, deception, guile, and fraud

Ananke - Primodorial goddess of necessity, compulsion, and inevitability

Acantho - Covered in spines; Having thorn-like characteristics

Abraxas - A mythical world

Azriel - The angel of death

Ace - Number one

Alexander - Defender of men

Amir - Prince

Amaris - Promised by god

Adessa - Gift from the moon

Amelia - Strive

Ava - Lively

Aliyah - Rising

Anechosis - The fear of only being told what you want to hear; whether by friends trying to lift you up or by family convince you that you're not as bad as you think you are; the longing for someone to call you out so you can understand who you are

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