Betrayed Runaway (Part 3 Final)

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After every member of the volturi disappears, the pack immediately runs to the aid of their once missing pack member. Seth and Leah are looking down while whining, seeing their sister unmoving, while Jamie is furious. He's mad that she is hurt, he's mad that he could stop it, he's mad that he didn't try harder, he's mad that the people who claim to be her pack were never really there for her.

Doctor Cullen rushes from his past position with his wife, to the very injured shape shifter. Yes, wolves and vampires are supposed enemies, but the pack has helped his family more than once, and this young, injured wolf is just a child. The Cullens know about Seth and Leahs missing sister. Seth would talk about her nonstop during Bella's pregnancy. They felt for the young girl. No one should have to feel unwanted with no supporters. Carlisle is not going to leave her lying there on a snowy field.

Doctor Cullen approaches cautiously, he doesn't know this other wolf, but he can see how protective he is, and just how little he trusts vampires. As Carlisle gets closer, Jamie catches attention of him. He immediately tenses up and takes a protective stance over Y/n, while growling lowly. Carlisle sees this and halts his step.

"It's ok, I promise I'm not going to hurt her, I mean no harm. I'm a doctor, and I want to take a look at her. I want to help her." Seth and Leah both know Carlisle's intentions are true, and while Jamie is still skeptical, He has no idea how to help Y/n, so this is his only option.

Jamie slowly moves away from Y/n, never once taking his eye off this vampire doctor. How a vampire was able to be a doctor, he has no idea, but if he can help, that's all that mattered.

The pack including Leah and Seth takes this chance to run and shift, so they can help in any way possible. It didn't take them long to change seeing as they know how urgent this situation is. They bring extra clothes for Y/n and Jamie, which were stashed somewhere in the forest.

"I don't know if they will fit you but it's something." Paul says, his voice not as harsh as it usually is. He feels for the guy, these two wolves look like they've been through a lot.

Jamie understands that he will be more helpful in his human form rather than his wolf form, so he very quickly shifts right in front of everyone and put on the shorts.

"Dude, really, here?"


"Eww." Were some of the few comments mad. Along with these comments, are also some very concerning looks. Everyone could now see the bruises on his body, some that are yellow, some that are black, some that are almost invisible. Jamie also has an unimaginable about of scars on his body, But Jamie didn't care. Y/n is hurt. He wasn't going anywhere.

With everyone shifted back, they all go back to circling around Y/n. Only then does it come to their attention that Y/n was still a wolf.

"Why hasn't she shifted back yet?" a concerned Seth spoke. He is honestly just saying what everyone is thinking.

"When we were prisoners of the volturi, we never shifted out of our wolf form, if we did, the more hurt we would get. It was a protection mechanism. She needs to be assured that she is safe." Both Seth and Jamie then kneel down to Y/n's wolf, Jamie glares at Seth, but Seth just ignores it.

"Y/n, it's ok to shift back. Were safe, were ok." Jamie says as he softly strokes her fur.

"Ya come on sis you can come home now." Seth Speaks softly with tears in his eyes. She must have somehow heard Seth and Jamie because after a minute her wolf starts to shift back. Out of respect everyone but Leah moves their gaze from Y/n.

Once she is back to her human form, Leah quickly puts some clothes on her. Leah then gives everyone the ok to look. Many gasps are heard. Just like Jamie, Y/n's body is covered in cuts, scars, and bruises, in many different stages of healing. Leah and Seth Have instant tears, seeing what was done to her in the hands of those monsters. Carlisle moves next to Y/n again and starts examining her.

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