Betrayed Runaway (Part 2)

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Third Person Pov

It has been a full year since Y/n was taken. Her and Jamie really bonded even through the pain and torture their friendship grew stronger. Y/n and Jamie have never seen each other, they felt a strange bond. Jamie stayed true to his word and has helped Y/n cope. Things seemed to have gotten worse when Y/n arrived, with the beating growing more frequent, and food being cut down, too a few slices of bread once every 2 weeks.

Due too little to no food Y/n has lost a lot of weight and can no longer heal within a few days, so much weight, you can very clearly see her ribs. Both Y/n and Jamie, have stayed in their wolf forms as a little bit of protection. Both wolves were suffering, both wolves grew weaker, but even with things getting worse, with each other's support they kept going. There were many times when Y/n wanted to give up, but Jamie always brought her hope back. Neither one knew how much longer they could last, but they refused to give up.

With The Pack

The pack never once stopped looking for Y/n. After she disappeared Her family has tried everything to find her, but everything they tried, led to a dead end. Her mom was absolutely devastated. She one hundred percent blames herself for her daughter's disappearance. She wishes she could take back everything she has ever said or did. After some self-evaluation, she realized that she had favored her other children, she had missed out on her daughter's life growing up. The treatment she gave her youngest makes her physically sick. Sue always thought she was an incredible mother, but now she believes she does not deserve the title.

Leah and Seth spend as much time as possible looking for Y/n, they feel reasonable for her leaving. They feel like they definitely could have been there more for her.

The pack had their battle with the newborn army and won. Only Jacob suffered from an injury during that fight. Plenty of other things happened within the year of Y/n being gone. the newborn battle, Bella getting married and getting knocked up, the pack wanting the child gone, Seth, Leah, and Jacob splitting into their own pack with Jacob as the Alpha. During that time, it was hard for anyone to search for Y/n due to the rivalry between packs. Many lost hope that she would ever return, for all they knew Y/n was living an amazing life.

If only they knew.

Third person, battlefield

Currently the packs are getting ready to assist the Cullens and their witnesses, in a potential fight against the volturi, and the volturi are getting ready to eliminate the Cullens for good. The volturi has been looking for good reasons to get rid of the Cullens, for as long as Alice and Edward Joined their coven. The volturi want Edward and Alice to join them for the power, but they know it won't happen as long as their family is still alive. So, when it was brought to their attention that the Cullens potentially broke the vampire laws they set into place, it was the volturi's perfect opportunity to get what they wanted.

The pack Is only willing to help, because Jacob's imprint was being threatened. The pack was waiting in the forest line for the signal, they are not to make their presence Known until it is deemed necessary. It is well known that wolves and vampires are supposed to be enemies. The volturi would definitely despise an alliance with the wolves.

With the Cullens out on the battlefield, viewing their opponents, they decide now is a good time to bring the wolves out, seeing as the volturi have 2 wolves of their own, though it really didn't look voluntary. Both wolves look extremely weak, and skinny. The Cullens are pretty far away from the wolves, but they can tell how bad of shape they are in.

Y/n and Jamie are definitely confused as to what they are doing here, and how the Volturi expect them to fight in the condition they are currently in. They were just dragged out of their cells with no explanation of who they are fighting, or why they are fighting them. In all the time that Y/n has been there, she has never once been included in a fight.

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