Amato Animo Animato Animagus

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Amato Animo Animato Animagus

There shouldn't have been a reason that she couldn't do this. Admittedly, she had never been great with the emotional side of magic. The patronus, flying, divination, it all came down to accessing emotions and connecting with magic. It was instinctual, not intellectual unfortunately. But she was skilled in both potions and transfiguration, had done all her homework and knew exactly what to expect. Except which creature she was to become.

Of course, the animal form was never selected by the wizard, rather determined by their personality and inner traits. However, wizards attempting to change were to research what each animal represented and theorize which could be applied to them. After evaluating her defining characteristics, she came up with possibilities.

She didn't expect to be anything cute and fluffy, though she knew there was a strong possibility she'd turn into an otter. Animagus forms did not always take the same form as a patronus, but it was fairly common—more so when someone becomes an animagus before learning the complex charm. She didn't think it was likely though. As much as she adored her joyful otter floating gracefully around her, she almost expected his form to change eventually; sooner if not later.

The instructions warned the wizard to not fear the image once displayed in their mind. Flinching at the sight of a lion or bear would only be natural, so Hermione practiced remaining calm in the face of a large animal. Fortunately, she already had much practice facing horrific beasts.

Amato Animo Animato Animagus

It was nearly impossible at first to not suck on the mandrake leaf, which was terribly bitter. For an entire month, full moon to full moon, that leaf had resided in her mouth. That was part of the reason she couldn't sleep well—the subconscious fear of swallowing it, choking and consequently dying, or worse, needing to start over again.

Taking it out and shoving it into the small crystal phial that had been hanging outside in the moonlight had been disgusting. She had to wrap a strand of her hair around the saliva-soaked leaf, trying to keep it from falling apart in her hands while touching it with nothing else.

Amato Animo Animato Animagus

Every morning for seven days straight, she had to gather a teaspoon of dew and add it to the phial. It took her ages to find a patch of grass that had never been touched by sunlight nor human feet and was eternally grateful for Luna's guidance.

And if that wasn't hard enough! The chrysalis of a death's-head hawk moth was nearly impossible to locate. The centaurs were of no help as they were incredibly protective of the creatures in the forest. Hagrid was key in accomplishing that step, and thankfully did not realize she had completely avoided his questions about why she was so curious about them. Once the chrysalis was added, she needed to find a dark space where the phial would be left alone. She considered simply placing it in her trunk, but worried that might not be enough isolation. And what if her prat dormmate snuck into her room? Again!

She contemplated where in the dungeons she could leave the phial, but nothing left her confident enough to risk it. Then a wonderful idea came to mind. It was very likely that at this moment, she was one of only two, maybe three people within the castle that even knew about the Room of Requirements. With a very specific objective in mind, Hermione left the phial in the darkness of a small box that rested on a small table in the center of a small room.

Leave it alone. The book was clear to not even think about it, which was nearly impossible. Trying not to think about something only served as reason to think about it more.

Amato Animo Animato Animagus

Every sunrise.

Amato Animo Animato Animagus

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2023 ⏰

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