Chapter 5: Slow Recovery

Start from the beginning

After all of this, you usually wouldn't stay up for too long considering you didn't have anything to kill boredom with and since now your body required sleeping too, you'd just have an early night.

Days passed in this exact monotony, broken up only by Papyrus bringing in a new book or toy every evening and whatever talk you and Gaster would share while he looked over your wound.

Your relationship with the Royal Scientist was... complicated, for the lack of a better word. While with Sans and Papyrus it was more straightforward -Papyrus adored you, Sans tolerated you- with Gaster, you honestly had no idea. He still looked annoyed at the fact you dared to be alive and was not above making a comment about how easier it would be for him if you try something stupid and bleed out.

Yet, at the same time, he was surprisingly gentle with your wound, watching himself as to not jostle it too much when bandaging, or making sure not to make them too tight or too loose. He didn't spare on the ointments either, your wound healing well and clean because of it. It sent very mixed signals your way and you honestly had no energy to try and decipher them.

The only thing certain thing between you two, was the constant sarcasm and sass. Whether it would be you starting it, or him, once it began, it wouldn't end until he had to leave. In a way you found it fun.

It reminded you of your old squad. Although forming strong bonds was a bad idea in the angel army, nobody could deny the fact that a General and their Battalion were close. A bond was needed if one was to fight beside one another after all and with such bond came feeling comfortable with each other. You cannot count the times you gave an order to your team, only to hear a sassy remark as they did so and vice versa. You didn't even realise how much you had missed it, having grown distant when you started to help the monsters in fear of getting caught by one of them.

It was good to have it back, even if it was mostly insults that you hurled at one another, or found small things that annoyed the other party and used said things against them.

The most notable instance of that was when you found out from Papyrus that his dad's full name was 'Wing Ding Gaster'. Considering that even when formally introducing himself, he only said 'W.D', he must not be a fan of using it. A perfect revenge for the fact he refused to call you anything other than 'human' or an 'annoyance' if you managed to get on his nerves enough.

Which is why one day when he was checking something in his notes and, as usual, didn't use your name like you had asked him to, you already had a response ready.

"Alright then, Wing Ding."

He spluttered, turning to you with a glare.

"Who told you that?"

You simply grinned back at him and shrugged.

"That is for me to know and for you to never find out. Really though, 'Wing Ding'? No wonder you introduced yourself as W.D only. It would have killed the intimidating factor you were going for otherwise!"

Gaster grumbled something under his breath in response, a flash of blue and red appearing in his eyelights for a moment before fading back to white.

"I would appreciate it if you referred to me as Gaster only." You smirked when he said that.

"And I'd appreciate it if you referred to me as (y/n) instead of 'human', yet here we are."


You beamed at your victory, to which he just rolled his eyes, going back to his notes and starting to write something down.

"But seriously, what kind of a name is that? Sounds like something you'd name a pet, not a kid."

The writing stopped, the pen being put down a little too forcefully for you not to notice as he turned back to you with a cold expression.

"My mother chose it. She died not too long after the war started."

You did not mention his name again after that.

When you weren't at each other's throats however, you could actually have decent conversations. He was a scientist, so his knowledge far outweighed your own, a truth that he surprisingly did not use against you. He was, in fact, very eager to share things and proudly show off the monsters' achievements. It was from him that you found out that they've outpaced the humans in terms of technology, or at least they have the last time you've seen where your species were in terms of inventions. Gaster's pride and joy was going to be a project he has been working on for quite some time now. A source of pure unlimited energy he was calling the CORE.

He spoke of it as if it would solve all of the problems in the Underground and, though you were yet to be able to leave the room, you somehow believed him. Even with all the insults and snark, you could admit that he was clearly a very intelligent man capable of that task.

You held some respect for him, even if he was a complete jerk sometimes.

A sentiment that he seemed to share. He did put trust in you, considering he was allowing Papyrus to come to your room. Clearly he had faith that you wouldn't do anything to the kid. You wouldn't of course, Papyrus was a sweetheart deserving only of the best things.

With time, maybe, Gaster could grow to trust you more.

That thought was what kept you awake some nights. The thought that they'd all start to like you, like the 'human' that isn't as bad as she seems. That they'll start to fully trust you.

Because that mistrust was right. That wariness towards you was perfectly logical, especially if they were to ever find out exactly what you are.

It made you worry about what will happen once you recover. You just hoped that you would not get too attached either. It would be dangerous. For all of you.

"How can I take the pain away-"


Only the Og's remember the Bill Nye joke. As much as I loved it, it did not fit the timeline and thus, had to be deleted. Sorry everyone, hope that some nice fluff and more sass between the main pair will be a good enough replacement!

Fallen Angel(Gaster x Reader) REWRITEWhere stories live. Discover now