Chapter 6

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"It's nice to meet you." the voice rumbled from deep below the mist. "We are the League of Villains."

You felt frozen in place.

This was a villain. A real one.

You never thought you would meet one so soon.

And from what you could tell, you had the same reaction as the rest of your classmates; quickened breathing and sweating palms, while you stood frozen in fear, gaping up at the mass of shadows.

It seemed to be looking around as if searching for something. Or someone.

"According to our information All Might was supposed to be here. Was there some sort of change in the schedule that we didn't know about?" he inquired as if he was just here for a nice chit-chat.

"Well, I guess there is nothing we can do about it." He sounded disappointed.

He spread what you guessed were his arms and went on with his one sided conversation.

"I still have my role to..."

At that moment, Bakugo and Kirishima ran ahead from the group to attack the villain, quirks ready and fists raised.

Your nails dug into your palm. But it wasn't out of fear anymore.

It was disappointment.

Because while you were here, scared and worrying, Bakugo went straight for the fight, without an ounce of fear or hesitation.

Was it stupid? Yes, absolutely, them only being students who had no real idea about this enemy in front of them, but they still attacked to protect their classmates.

Too bad that it didn't work.

The smoke of the blast cleared and the form of mist appeared unscathed.

"My, my..." it mused, but its voice was almost mocking. "You truly live up to your school's reputation. I should not forget that you are heroes to be."

He once again lifted his arms, his purple mist swirling around his form.

"You two, move." Thirteen shouted, but it was too late.

"I am here to scatter you in this place and aid you to your death."

Suddenly it was very cold. You couldn't breath and the sudden feeling of free falling caused you to scream.

The last thing you saw was your classmates disappearing one by one.


There was something familiar.

The smell of sun and rain mixing.

It was something you wanted to hold onto, even though you had no idea where it was coming from.

Memories of the smell flooded your brain and you wondered if this is what death was going to be like.

The rubble and the concrete were a harsh awakening as you landed with a pained grunt.

"Shit..." you mumbled, trying to push yourself up.

"Quit complaining and get the fuck up!" you heard a very familiar voice shout at you, angrier than it has possibly ever sounded.

It made you look around and realize just where you were.

It was one of the districts in the USJ, seemingly an urban area, but it was very rundown, filled with rubble and broken glass. You were high up, in the inside of a building, and the room around you was filled with villains who were already charging at you.

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