River's face gradually fell. "Oh, gosh, Alden," she sighed, eyebrows pinched in worry. "What have you done?"

"This happened after father and Ian cut Dominic out of their lives, though I'm not sure why that happened," he explained. River nodded. "Dad asked to see me one day, and proposed me a deal. He said if I did this one thing for him, he would allow me to continue dating Jade, and at the time, he could've asked me to do anything if in the end, I was in control of my own life."

It was tough to accept the reality. Everyone had a way out, except for River.

"I essentially set out to gain information on Dominic from Harry. It promised to be an easy plan at first. He was easy to strike up a conversation with, and get in his good graces. Granted," he scoffed softly. "It wasn't my ideal way of spending my free time but I had an end goal in mind, and it was worth it."

"Are you serious?" she asked, shock layered through each word she uttered.

Alden was only able to nod. "Eventually, I began to enjoy spending time with him, though, and we became good friends. Looking out for him became part of my mission to learn more about Dominic, though it soon got revealed to me that Harry no longer kept in touch with his father."

"Meaning he was useless to our father," she concluded. Again, her brother nodded to confirm. "I have plenty of questions, though my most pressing one has to be about his employment. How did he get the job, and even better—how is Harry still at the Clubhouse if he proved to be unable to provide you with information?"

"I offered him the job," he stated without batting an eyelash. River didn't know what to say but her brother took care of that for her as he continued to talk. "You know he started as a waiter, and worked himself up the ladder," Alden said, and it was River's turn to nod. Alden exhaled. "Well, since he already knew his way around, and he was an honest man, dad didn't have a problem keeping Harry at arm's length."

This made River laugh, low and almost evil sounding. "Just in case they rekindle their relationship, and father gets a snippet of information about Dominic."

"I can't confirm if that is true," he replied. "Once dad said there was no point in me pretending to be Harry's friend, he let go of the idea of me... spying for him. He, of course, never knew I long stopped pretending to be Harry's friend, so I stayed, and tried my best to remain a good friend but life swept me up, and we lost touch."

It all made sense. Once Alden completed his task for their father, he was free to do as he wished again which removed the constant need for the two men to hang out. It gave a slight explanation to how Harry fit into the picture. However, it left plenty of questions in its wake. Why did Dexter continue to look into Dominic? Was Harry the only way he could gain any information on the man?

"Is that all?" she asked.

"That is all," he answered. "I hope you are not hurt by my actions but I would understand if you are. I admit, I tried to keep you away from Harry for this exact reason—I didn't want you to find out about what I did, and I certainly didn't want to get you involved in any further actions from dad."

"I'm not hurt, Alden," she promised, and shifted on the sofa a little bit. Pulled her left leg beneath her body, bent at the knee. "I can't blame you for doing what you needed to do for the life you wanted for yourself. That's exactly why I am doing all of this. I'm taking control of my life, and I wish Dorian would understand."

He gave her an apologetic look. There was nothing Alden could've said to make River feel better about that statement.

"I appreciate you telling me this. I much rather it come from you than anyone else," she added with a small smile, and squeezed her brother's forearm. Alden sighed, relieved, and River copied him.

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