Jm - you were foodie from start that you didn't even noticed whose tiffin you are eating

Jin - eish , it was mistake

Yn - oh woah , same incidents happened with me hehe

Jin - that's my foodie partner ,high figh

Yn - yeah

Jin - ok next (spin the bottle) jkkk, truth or dare

Jk - dare because i am daring person

Jin - ok ok , give your banane milk to us

Jk - what noo

Jin - dare

Jk - eish ok ok i will be bring

After 5 minutes

Jk - here take ( passes the banana milk box)

Jin - good boy

Yn - after so many days i will drink banana milk , thank you kook bhaiya

Jk - welcome bunny

Jk - (spin the bottle) woah hobi hyung again , truth or dare

Hobi - truth

Jk - okk umm, do you like ryuzin your best friend

Hobi - huh, umm

Jm - hyung say na you like her

Hobi - yes,she is soo cute and all rounder

Jin - ohh our hobi is in love

Hobi - eish hyung, no

Jk - tell us what you like about her

Hobi - one question at a time

Jm - please hyung please

Jk - please please hyung

Jin - yes hobi come on

Jm - mochi you also say he don't say no to you

Yn - a.yes b.bhaiya tell pl.. please

Jhope - you all are soo stubborn

Jk - please hyung

Jhope - ok ok so umm she is cute and we are friends from childhood

Jm - we know that

Jhope - ok ok you know when i 10 i even propose her

Jin - woah means childhood love

Jhope - no no i was a child that time

Jk - ok ok continue

Jhope - yes so she is talented, polite , she don't harm anyone and don't hurt anyone and she is very hardworking

*Yn - hmmm, now i am sure he don't love ,it was and will be one sided love , i am not at all comparable to ryuzin , i always hurt others and now i am mafia i also kill people , he will never love me the way i do*

Jm - YNN

Yn - huh yes yes

Jk - we are calling you from so much time

Yn - oh sorry i was just zoned out

Jin - are you ok princess

Yn - oh yes i was just listening to tae bhaiya, fight is going on there i hope he is fine

BTS 8th member,Indian Y/nWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu