Moony Monday: 5/11/15

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9:15pm Monday, May 11

Today was a really good day. I talked about music with Rob for the whole first hour of school in art class, and I hate to say how much we have in common. We shared ear buds and I played Icarus by White Hinderland while we stared into each other's faces until he turned away. I wish there was more time.

Then, I got out of math quite early and went downstairs to the art room for second period to hang out with my friends. We had a blast. I didn't mention Rob and I hanging out, because I think they get annoyed when I mention him. And that's alright, he's my thing, not really theirs.

In textiles, I got plenty of work done on my recycle/redesign project. I'm making a dress out of wrappers. It's a bit frustrating and slippery, but I'm enjoying it, mostly because I'm in that class with Olive, Hayley, and Scarlet. We've been really tight lately, and I'm glad.

In biology, I told the class about the helicopter crash. I lied and said I saw it firsthand when really I was inside and came out when my dad came running in to call 9-1-1. All eyes were on me, and I felt quite dramatic and interesting.

Sixth period world history was dull. Nothing to say. We have assigned seating, so I don't get to sit with Scarlet and Hayley.

I forgot my ear buds for the hour and fifteen minute bus ride, so I was bored. I fell asleep a lot. I guess that means the music is all that keeps me awake. When I got home, I went straight to bed and masturbated. I wasn't even in the mood. Force of habit. I suppose birth control really was suppressing my libido. Now, I masturbate two to five times every day. It's hilarious.

I was really distasteful yesterday, the things I wrote about my mother. She's not a bad woman. I love her. I was steamed up.

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