A new Island (rewritten)

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Assistant: "What is that?"

Navigator: "How are we supposed to know? There is an entire island with a giant-ass tree in middle of a commonly used shipping route!" 

Everyone of us must have been gone crazy to see this all together. But crazy people don't see the same. So, HOW was this possible.

< Third person POV>

While they wear observing the island the ship almost ghost-like washed past the island. When they were half past the island all three snapped out of their trance. The captain and navigator quickly started working to make sure they wouldn't beach this ship. Meanwhile the assistant started filming the Island with his smartphone.

Captain: "What the heck are you doing!?"

Assistant: "What? We just discovered an entire new island and not only that it also has magic or something like that. I'm making sure people are going to believe us."

 The captain wanted to disagree, but he knew someone has to report this to his superiors. The navigator catched on and quickly pulled out a piece of paper from a cabinet and started scribbling down the coordinates, "34°45'31.2"N 43°25'41.2"W". 

Captain: "They are just gonna say it's fake."

Assistant: "But over time their gonna be more and more such videos. And then they have to believe us."

Can't argue with that thought the captain. They should make their way back on course. It was still a long route to go and he rather choose to be chewed out for being crazy instead of being late. His schedule was tight as ever


I sat in my office. It was a very elegant one if I my say so, a beautiful table with very detailed carvings in the middle of the room. On the right was big bookshelf with some cabinets at the bottom. The shelfs were filled with not only document but als books ranging from "The Art of War" to more peaceful titles. The room was expensive but I can allow it once in a while, no? I looked to one of the cabinets. On the cabinet was a lock only I had the key to. You would think there are some important documents in there? It was wine, even I need to sometimes drink away the stress I manage to pile up over a month of work. On the left side of my office were pictures of beautiful landmarks. They gave a calming effect of, definitely enough to calm someone off the stress of work. Recently my job became more stressful. You see, my office has been flooded with reports of a new island. It sounded ridiculous, I thought someone was pulling a prank on me, I definitely knew someone who would do it. The oldest of the reports dictates back almost a week ago. All saying the same, a new island at the coordinates "34°45'31.2"N 43°25'41.2"W" and all describing the same tree but nobody daring getting closer. Some even said, they saw something big flying in the sky. One picture stood out, the picture was made by some adventures with a drone trying to see if this island was real. The picture showed a man standing on a cliff looking out to the sea. He wore black armor and his helm decoration was similar to that of alion. More isn't to be recognised on the picture, since it was made to far away so the drone would not be spotted.

Lands beyond the fog (Male Elden Ring Reader x Countryhumans) [On Hold]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ