The smug jade

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YiLing was living a rather boring life until the twin traders of Lan arrived there for business.

They sold all kinds of Jade ornaments, accessories and household products.

But that was not the thing that caused chaos.

It was their beauty.

They themselves looked like they were carved from Jade.

While the elder brother looked like all the sunshine reflects through him, radiating warmth through his smile, the younger one had an icy quality to himself, making him look unreachable and mysterious.

They soon became popular in YiLing and the neighboring towns as "The Twin jades of Gusu".

Often, people came to their shops just to sneak a look of the twin jade's beauty, which LXC found quite amusing, while LWJ thought it was ridiculous. But both said nothing, as their trade was flourishing, making them wealthy in a very short time.

Elders started bringing their kids who were of marriageable age to the shop, trying to bag a handsome and rich son in law.

Soon, the tales of the beautiful brothers from Gusu reached the burial mounds, to the ears of the city lord, YiLing Laosu himself.

Curious, he can't help but walk to the shop himself to see the proof of the claims.

And indeed, the brothers were a sight for sore eyes, shining more than the Jade wares surrounding them.

Before he knew, he was already walking inside the shop, eyes fixed on the brother whose eyes looked molten gold and face held an expression like he was offended by anyone breathing near him.

The urge to bully this one until he either snaps or tears up was STRONG.

Thus, impulsive as he is, WWX hopped towards the man, who brutally ignored him.

WWX: Hi There!!

LWJ: *not even sparing a glance*

WWX: Hellooo~~

LWJ: *still in🗿mode*

WWX: Yk you are the prettiest piece of jade in this shop~ for a second I thought you are a statue!

LWJ: 🗿

WWX: By any chance, are you single?

LWJ: *no shits given*

He disheartens a little bit when he gets no response, but that just makes him even more determined.

WWX: *whining* Er gege~ Won't you spare me a look?

LWJ experiences these types of interactions every day, so he doesn't even glance at the man with a nice voice.

That is, until the man's hand is almost touching his face.

LWJ jerks back, causing the man (LWJ just realizing the most handsome one he has ever seen) to flinch.

WWX: Ah! Your forehead ribbon is crooked.

LWJ averts his gaze, his face heating up with the close proximity.

WWX thinks he did something for the situation to become this awkward, so lighten the mood, he starts flirting with a lady standing beside him, examining jade teacups.

LWJ: *Bombastic side eye*

The more LWJ sees the handsome man flirting with the lady, the more he becomes agitated. Before he knows, he is already walking towards the man, his lower lip jutted out in an unconscious pout.

WWX soon finds himself face to face with the pretty man again, who is looking at him and the lady like he wants to bury them alive in burial mounds.

WWX: *sweating* Hel-

LWJ: shoving his head towards WWX's face like a puppy asking for head pats.

WWX: Wh-What-

LWJ: You were going to straighten my forehead ribbon.

WWX: Oh..! Okay!

WWX voice comes out a little squeaky this time, after hearing this beautiful man's deep voice.

He slowly lifts his hands and brings them to the forehead ribbon, straightening it with gentle fingers.

Is that a purr he hears?


When LWJ straightens up again, his face is still stoic as ever, but his eyes are shining with.... Smugness? As he gives a smug look to the poor lady.

He looks back towards the man again, whose hands are still hanging in the air.

LWJ: Lan Zhan

With that, and a small bow, the man, Lan Zhan, walks away, leaving WWX there.

WWX:❓❓ 😀 wot-😃❓❗❗

Meanwhile, LXC watching the whole scene unfold: Wot- 😃❓❗🔪

 Looks like LXC needs to prepare for giving a shovel talk soon.


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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2023 ⏰

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