I know

855 7 5

Steve- 15
Soda- 15
PonyBoy's POV:
My brother is gay. He used to have a gf, but I think that matters at fucking all. He's gay as fuck. He loves Steve Randle, and nobody believes me.

So when Soda said him and Steve were going to the movies, I told everyone to look out the window.

I was going to make them watch Soda and Steve do some gay shit, and sure enough they did.

As soon as they got down the steps, Soda gives Steve a huge kiss on his mouth. It was long and happy. He pulled away smiling, and took Steve's hand, twirling his fingers around Steve's and kissing it.

I saw him mouth 'I love you' and Steve said it back.

"He's actually gay." Dallas was I s h o c k. 

"Yeah I know dumbass." I sassed.

Darry shot me a look that said 'sass again and I'll sass your ass up.'

"Wow." Johnny's eyes were wide.

"Yeah I know right." Two- bits looks at Johnny with the same expression Johnny has.

"I told y'all so." I shrug.

"How did you know though?" Dallas asks.

"Soda talks about Steve in his sleep."

"What do you mean, talks." Darry squints at me.

"I don't know, what do I mean?" I cross my legs grinning.

Steve stays fucked in Soda's dreams.

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