Ruby: "But... why would I need friends if I have you and Y/N? Besides, I thought we're going to tour the place around for a bit? With Y/N too."

Y/N: "Wait, I'm a part of this?"

Ruby: "Yeah!"

???: "Yang! Get over here!"

They turn around to see a trio of students, waving at their direction.

Yang: "Sorry, Ruby. I promised to mee with some friends once I get off the Bullhead."

Before Ruby can say anything, Yang quickly dashes away, causing Ruby to spin around and be dizzy eyed in the process.

Yang: "Don't worry, sis! I'll meet you at the main hall! Bye sis! Bye Y/N!"

Y/N: ('I guess speed runs in their family.")

Before Ruby start to trip, Y/N manage to stop her fall, holding on to her arms. Embarrassed, she quickly gets back up.

Ruby: "T-Thanks..."

With a small smirk, Y/N says.

Y/N: "No problem." 

She and Y/N go to the public baggage pool to get their luggage. Y/N glance next to him to see Ruby groaning about handling their luggage on their own.

Ruby: "I don't know what I'm doing..."

While struggling to tear the bags free from the other bags, she accidentally knocked over a bunch of white suitcases, falling to the ground and covering herself in red dust by the scattered suitcases. 

???: What are you doing?!

Ruby and Y/N turn around to see a white-haired girl, stomping over to their direction. 

Y/N: ("A Schnee?") 

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Y/N: ("A Schnee?") 

He only met one Schnee, a high-ranking member at Atlas military who he met on separate occasions. He knew she had a younger sister by the name of Weiss, and there she is, in a combat skirt. Weiss glare upon him and Ruby, not knowing she's about to sneeze. 

Ruby: "Uh... sorry!"

Weiss: "Sorry isn't going to cut it?! Do you have any idea of the damage you could have caused? And you!"

She points at one of her staffs, who have just arrived.

Weiss: "Why are my luggage in the public baggage pool and not take straight to the main hall?! And now some idiot klutz spilling volatile dust."

The white-haired girl glare at Ruby, holding a luggage.

Weiss: "Give me that!"

She snatches the luggage from Ruby and opens it to reveal its content.

Weiss: "This is Dust. Mined and purified from the Schnee quarry!"

Ruby: "Uuuhhhh..."

Weiss: What are you, brain-dead? Dust! Fire, water, lightning, energy! A spill like this could have done serious damage!"

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