Friday Feelings.

Start bij het begin

"Yeah, no Mia I'm fine." Ana went into the bathroom and sat behind the door as Mia sighed and came to terms with the fact that she was alone in this dorm, and that Ana wasn't going to talk to her the same way as before, anytime soon.

The two girls finished getting ready in silence and walked over to breakfast where they met up with the rest of their gang.

"Morning!" Marco smiled at Mia and gave her a hug.

"Hey, how'd you sleep?" She smiled and returned the hug.

"Good! Really well actually. Do you ever have that feeling when everything just feels good in your life? How'd you sleep?" They all stared at him not feeling the same thing.

"Right... Yeah I think I've felt it... Haha! Meh alright." She was lying through her teeth.

They all just spoke about nothing through breakfast. After they departed from each other and went off to their groups the morning flew by.

Flag18 had tennis in the morning, which Aaron participated in but Mia stayed on the side lines and watched.

Lunch came around fast which was appreciated by everyone. Aaron stayed behind to clean up and after everyone left the court and Mia headed back to Flag9 Ana joined him.


"Oh hey Ana. Whats up?"

"Um nothing much. Just wanted to come say hello." She stood awkwardly by the gate as Aaron put the last few balls into the ball bag and carried them off.

"Cool. Hey could you just grab that bag? Thanks." Ana picked up the bag and they walked out. It was an outdoor court and the locker rooms were just across the path from them.

"Where's Mia?" Ana asked.

"Uh, she left to go have lunch I think. Would've thought you would have passed her on your way here."

"Nah I didn't. So it's just us two here right now?"

"Yeah I think so." He said looking around. "Why?"

"Just asking."


"I need to ask you something Aaron."

He knew what she was going to say.

Oh yeah? What?"

She didn't understand his tone; she couldn't tell if he was being sarcastic and didn't want to hear her out or whatever.

"I just wanted to know what's happening with you and Mia... He could sense him cringing.

"Because... Because if you aren't thinking of becoming serious with her I'll... I'll hurt you Aaron! If I don't do it, I'll make sure someone does! I'll... I'll."

Aaron dropped his bag and walked over to her so he was standing face to face with her. He pressed their foreheads together, and in that moment Ana forgot about Louis and Mia, she forgot about everyone and she fell for Aaron again.

"I am serious with her. I really really like her and I'll be with her for a while. Oh and I appreciate you taking care of her, but I've got this." He pushed his head against hers then picked up his bag and carried on walking.

"Hey." Ana walked into her room to find Mia sitting on her bed.

"Oh hey Ana."

"Where were you last night? I know you were somewhere with Aaron because I know he wasn't here. Where did you two go?"

"We went to his cousin's birthday dinner. I know her because we went to school together so we went to her house for her surprise dinner." Mia dug into the very back of her mind making sure that is what Aaron had told her to say.

"Oh right. Thats fun. So you'll be here tonight though right?"

Mia nodded. "Yeah I will be. We're going out tomorrow evening though."

This camp had a long weekend; they finished activities on fridays at lunch time and started on mondays after lunch.

"Right. So is he like your boyfriend now? Or...?" Ana sat on her bed and began fiddling with her earrings.

"I don't know Ana... I'm really confused, and I'll be honest; I'm terrified!"

"Of what? Because if you're terrified of losing him Mia then you're in for a ride. He is not someone who keeps relationships, he's a one night stand kinda guy if you understand what I mean? If you sleep with him, make out with him or something he won't talk to you much after. I don't think he is scared or something, he is just an asshole, and you can't forget him. You try and try and try but you can't let him out of your mind! He is amazing, in every aspect of the word, but he is an ass. Really.... He...."


"He will metaphorically rip your heart out, and ruin you! He will...."

"Ana!" Mia shouted at her. She could tell something happened between them; Ana never acted this way.


"What's going on...? Why would you say all that about Aaron?" Mia looked and felt really nervous.

"Nothing. Nothing Mia!" Ana stood up and went to walk out of their room.

"Ana what the hell?! Where are you going?! What the hell is happening?"

"Nothing Mia!"

"What the hell?!"

"Fine! Fine Mia! I slept with him! God you're such an idiot! How how could you not notice?! You're an idiot!! We did it okay! I slept with him!" She shouted and spat it at Mia.

"What the f*ck Ana?!" Ana just stood in the doorway, then she turned to the wall and started gently banging her head against the wall as she began to tear up.

"Well... When did this happen?"

"Last summer. When I dared you and Louis to. Aaron came over to my room after and it just happened. He told me I was beautiful and he liked me a lot, but he lied. He lied. He doesn't want a relationship! He can't handle them!"

Mia was completely dumb-founded. She was incredibly angry at her. Ana knew how Mia had always felt about him! But she felt bad for Ana as she clearly got hurt. She was torn.

Ana walked towards the door, and turned to see Mia fiddling with her fingers crying, then she walked out.

Summer.Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu