Day 2.

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"WHERE THE HELL DID YOU GO YESTERDAY?!" Mia rolled over to be hit in the eye with a direct stream of light coming from the curtain and hitting her in the face.

"Huuuuuhh??" Mia asked rubbing her cloudy morning eyes.

"MIA MIA MIA!! I saw Mr Grey walking out of the bushes!! And do you know what that means?! He was with someone.... Uh oh... I wonder who the lucky girl is this year.. Lucky bitch...." Ana climbed off Mia's bed and sat next to the tired body still in bed.

"Huh? Oh yeah... Yeah no thats... Um..." Before Mia could finish her sentence Ana stood up and began pacing the room thinking of worst case scenarios for Grey's new girl.

"I'll find her and aggressively stick my foot out in front of her so she trips... Yes... Yes.... Yess... Good plan Ana... Or..." Mia stood up and walked over to her closet where she pulled out a navy blue t-shirt that said 'JUNIOR COUNSELLOR.' on the front and 'M. TEMPLE' on the back. She could not have felt happier. She had somehow gotten mixed up with the bad boy on the campus and was proudly wearing a counsellor tee within 24 of her summer properly beginning. She knew this will be a good one.

"Or maybe I will put poison into a cupcake and make bazillions of them for everyone but save that one for her... Yes... Genius....."

"Well, that escalated quickly." Mia looked over at her beautiful friend who shot her a sarcastic look in return for Mia's savvy comment.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom. Be back in a flash." Mia disappeared into the next room. She brushed her hair; applied some morning face cream after washing up, then added a coat of mascara, tied her hair up in a ponytail and went back to her room.

She entered and found Ana singing some random boy band's number 1 hit, and tying her laces. Mia slipped on her light blue Tom's and they walked outside.

It was 8am, the sun was beaming down reflecting off the lake heating up the camp site. There were already children running around everywhere, and an extremely long line for breakfast. Luckily the counsellors had breakfast somewhere else but joined the rest of the summer's maniacs for lunch and dinner.

Mia was still half asleep and wishing she could steal some of the children's energy to power up for day 1. The girls weren't talking so it shattered the silence when Louis followed by a slower more exhausted looking Marco, came running up to the girls. Ana leapt into Louis' arms and again left Mia standing there thinking she would rather chew her own arm off than be the awkward third wheel again. Then realised that was her hunger talking. She wasn't going to chew her arm. Ew.

"Hey Mia!"

"Ahh! Yes...?" She jumped at the hit or reality.

"Woah! Calm yourself babe! This is Marco! Marco this is Mia." Ana said a bit patronisingly.

"Hey Marco... Nice to meet you!" They shook hands and tried to ignore the awkwardness in the group. Ana attempted to save the day, but just made it worse in her typical Ana way.

"So Marco here likes puppies, long walks on the beach, and swimming!" The group burst into laughter as Marco turned a pale shade of crimson.

"Geeze thanks Ana! What is this an advert for" They all giggled.

"Those adverts are just so sad." Louis butted in making them laugh harder. Louis took Ana's hand and Marco walked behind them making small talk with Mia, all heading over for breakfast.

When they got inside the girls both headed for the cereal and fruit and the guys both headed for the bacon and eggs. They all took a table next to the one they had sat in the evening before. They wondered where Kendall was, but they didn't mention it. Mia was still feeling oblivious to everything, until Aaron walked into the room. Followed by Kendall. Typical.

Summer.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें