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"Dad please! Please can I go!" Mia Temple, stood in front of her father gazing up at him with her large blue eyes staring into his soul; she had her right hand making exaggerated gestures, and holding their home phone in the other.

Mia could see the clockworks turning behind his eyes, thinking of a good way to rationalise with his persistent and impatient daughter.

"Sorry one second, he is taking his time..." She explained to the voice beyond the phone.

"Give me one good reason Mia." James glared into her daughter's eyes; trying his hardest not to give in to her yet.

James was a lawyer, and he raised Mia not to give up a fight even if it kills you. He was clearly testing her that afternoon.

"Okay fine. Maybe because Mum promised me that when I was old enough - which I am now - that I could become a junior counsellor, and despite her not being here anymore, I should think she would be really upset if you didn't let me go!" She could see in his face that her point was completely invalid.

Change of tactics.

"You know why I should go? Because you just said yourself 10 minutes ago, that since Mum left 8 months ago we have been spending way too much time together, and that we need time apart! I couldn't agree more! I mean for Pete's sake Dad, I asked you to buy my tampons the other day! Aren't you a little worried? Because I sure as hell am... Please Dad."

She won.

Summer.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora