Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

Almost Four Months (15 Weeks)


I slowly open my eyes and mumble, snuggling into my cozy bed. I don't want to wake up... I'm finally sleeping so good....

I make a face as I feel my stomach churn. Oh no.

It's like I heard the baby say, "Think again.".

I whine and toss my blankets away from me so I can get up quickly. I gag and hustle my ass faster to make it. I nearly trip from getting up, but manage to catch myself and I gag.


I haul ass to the kitchen since it's closer because now the bathroom is no longer an option. I groan miserably as I hurl into the kitchen sink. It's a familiar burn. Except usually I was puking from partying the night before, not because of my stomach gremlin. Sayonara party days, you were good to me while you lasted.

After I finish puking I get myself an ice cold glass of water to help with the acid burn going on in my throat. It was just another morning in this somewhat still new routine.

I walk into the living room with my glass and plop my butt onto the couch. I just let myself sink into it. I can't believe I still have another five months till this baby comes out. I'm already struggling through this phase, how the hell am I going to manage a little person?

I look at the side of my stomach, seeing the pink stretch marks that are starting to show. I still haven't told my family. I feel like a little kid who did something they shouldn't have and a part of me is worried about their reaction. Another part of me is like 'Too bad, so sad. My body, my choice.'.

My phone buzzes and I pick it up. It was just a text from my brother, Matt.

Big Bro: Hey! Hope you're doing okay 🙂You free to catch up?

Me: Hi.

I pause before I type out 'Sorry, I'm busy.'. I'm already four months pregnant... It's too late for them to talk me out of this crazy idea. I know he won't snitch to our parents or Ariana, but since Matt's already a father of three, he'll be prepared with a big lecture on why this is a bad idea. However, since he already has three kids, I bet he would have good advice too. I just don't know how I'll prepare myself for his reaction. I feel like this is just another disappointment, but I can't help it.

On one hand, maybe I'm excited? This is a piece of Jean with me. This was always the goal in the end- I think. On the other hand though, I'm freaking out. This situation still doesn't seem to feel real. I keep hoping this is all some weird alternate reality that I got mixed up in.

What's worse? I tried to reach out to Jean a few days ago. While looking at his insta through a new account, I noticed he got tagged in a recent photo posted by one of his friends. It looked like a typical friends night out; it was a picture of their friend group with their dates. Jean had a guy's arm around his waist and seeing that made me instantly ill. I knew when I was looking at the guy, I shouldn't compare myself, but this guy was also stunning. So rather than hurting my feelings again, I'll just put off telling him.

If he can move on, I can too, I guess.

I really want Jean though.

My phone buzzes again and pops my dark cloud of a thought bubble. Oops, I forgot about Matt.

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