Chapter 11 it was accident

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Vergil's P.O.V

Vergil,Barbara and Rosaria were going to a Church in MondStadt. When they arrived Barbara goes to a sister and say's.

Barbara: sister Victoria. Say hello to Mister Vergil. Come out Mister Vergil.

Vergil: hello. Im Vergil sparda. Nice to meet you Victoria.

Victoria: Hello Sir Vergil nice to meet you too.

Barbara: c'mon let's get in the Church.

They got inside the Church.

Vergil: the Church look's nice.

Victoria: yeah it is. Anyway sir Vergil are you a human or a god. Cuz you Look you are.

Vergil: well it's the best i tell you that i- before i tell what i am Please dont freak out.

Victoria: just say it i wont freak out.

Vergil: okay. To let you know that i'm half human and half demon. There. Now you know what i am.

Victoria: wait you're a demon?

Vergil: yes i am a-

Rosaria pull's out her weapon and point's at Vergil.

Rosaria: aha. I knew it. Got any last word's?

Vergil: Please Rosaria don-

Rosaria stab's Vergil in the belly when Barbara and Victoria saw this they yelled at Rosaria.

Barbara: how could you Sister Rosaria.

Rosaria: he Was a demon so i had to kill him. Now he's dead.

Vergil: is that what you think?

Rosaria heard what Vergil said and turn's around. When she turn's around she saw Vergil had red glowing eye's and she was scared.

Rosaria: Jesus Christ. Im sorry Vergil i made a-

Vergil: a mistake. You're right. Now i want you to say sorry for stabing in my belly.

Rosaria hug's Vergil and say's

Rosaria: i-im sorry Ve-vergil.

Vergil: i forgive you.

A few minutes later

Vergil Was siting and reading his book while Rosaria was looking at him.

Rosaria in mind: that man is dangerous. But. Those red glowing eye's freaked me out. Should i call him over here and ask him why he's soo stronge? Yeah let's do that.

Rosaria: hey Vergil.

Vergil: yes. What's wrong?

Rosaria: can you come over here Please i want to talk to you.

Vergil: sure. Why not.

Vergil close's his book put's it in his caot get's up and goes to Rosaria. When he Was going to Rosaria he Slip's and Land's on Rosaria and kisses her lip's😳 they both open they're eyes were shocked. Vergil get's off of Rosaria and he cant believe what he just did.

Vergil: oh shoot. What have I done. Look. Im sorry Rosaria.

Rosaria: th-that Was my First kiss.

Rosaria look's away and was saying something. Vergil get's up and leave's the Church.

Rosaria: that First kiss Was good. Oh yes he did. Maybe. If we meet again. I want to have S€x with him. God he's such a handsome and stronge man.

Barbara: Mister Vergil im back. Mister Vergil? Mister Vergil? Hey sister Rosaria have you seen Mister Vergil around?

Rosaria: oh ehm no sister Barbara i think he left becuz had a Job that Must be done.

Barbara: oh. Okay then. Anyways it's late let's go to sleep.

The end of chapter 11.


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