Chapter 6 Meeting a boy with a weird hair

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Vergil's P.O.V

Vergil Was walking around mondstadt and the weather was good today when Vergil Was walking he stops becuz he need's something to drink.

Vergil: i'm thirsty. Man i hope i can find a Bar here.

Vergil start's to go find a Bar cuz he's thirsty.

A few minutes later.

Vergil finally find's a Bar in MondStadt and get's inside the Bar.

Bar worker: hello sir what do you want to drink?

Vergil: i want water Please.

Bar worker: okay water will be there for you.

(Also here's the picture of the Bar)

Vergil take's a sit's some where until a person came in the bar

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Vergil take's a sit's some where until a person came in the bar.

Bar worker: ah hello venti what would you like to drink.

???: i want dandelion wine Please.

Bar worker: you're wine will be there for you.

The person sit's next Vergil and Vergil Was reading a book.

???: hello sir what are you doing.

Vergil look's at the person and says.

Vergil: i'm reading a book.

???: ok. Anyways who are you? Are you new here?

Vergil: yes i'm new here. And my name is Vergil. What's you're name?

Venti: oh im Venti. It's nice to meet you Vergil.

(Here's the picture of Venti)

Vergil: it's nice to meet you venti and. May i ask you a Question?

Venti: sure go ahead.

Vergil: are you a boy or a girl?

Venti: oh i'm a boy.

Vergil: if you're a boy why do you have a girl hair?

Venti: oh well-

Bar worker: here's you're Dandelion wine Venti.

Venti: thank you.

Bar worker: and here's you're water sir.

Vergil: thank you.

Venti: so Vergil tell what you are.

Vergil: okay but are you sure you want to know what i am?

Venti: of course c'mon tell what you are.

Vergil: alright then. So to let you know im a demon.

Venti spit's out a bit of wine out of his mouth of what Vergil said.


Vergil: yes.

Venti: but why do you Look like a human?

Vergil: becuz i'm only half human and half demon.

Venti: okay i get it now.

Dante's P.O.V

Dante Was Fighting against raiden shogun and they're still Fighting.

Raiden shogun: what the hell are you?

Dante: i allready told you. I'm a demon how could you forget.

Raiden shogun: a demon huh.

Dante: yep. And you can't kill me.

Raiden shogun teleport's to Dante and stab's in his belly.

Raiden shogun: so i cannot kill you huh let's se-

Dante kick's Raiden shogun away but Dante Was still stabed by her weapon.

Dante: and. Seeing it now?

Raiden shogun: how cant you die.

Dante: becuz im subhuman and omega.

Raiden shogun: what?

Dante: just get me out of this weird looking place you crazy bitch.

Raiden shogun: okay okay. Fine.

Dante wake's up in inazuma and see's Raiden shogun.

Dante: finally i get to see the Sun again.

Raiden shogun: here's you're gift now give me back my weapon and leave inazuma.

Dante: you think you've got Problem's? Bitch Please i just woke up here last day and dont how to get ou- wait a Minute i'm a demon and i have a sin devil trigger. You know what fine im leaving does this make you happy?

Raiden shogun: yes a bit.

Dante: okay then. Adiós.

Dante turns into his sin devil trigger Form and leave's inazuma by flying Raiden shogun who see's this become's sad becuz she's thinking about her son.

Raiden shogun: i really missed my son. I hope nothing happen's to my son.

End of Chapter 6

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