Chapter Fifty-One

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Hugh sat back and locked eyes with Constance. "I've never done this before. I promised I'd never—" his voice trailed off. She reached over her brother and took Hugh's hand. "We have to wait to see if it worked," he finished, swallowing thickly.

The sound of feet pounded up the stairs. Owen and Beatrice burst onto the landing. Owen's eyes took in the blood and the cage and then finally they landed on Hannah. He cried out in relief.

"They have the church surrounded. I could barely get up here," he said, rushing to take her.

As if in agreement with Owen, the tower shook as policemen rushed onto the landing.

Hugh and Constance stayed frozen on their knees, eyes locked, Simon between them.

"That's one!" someone shouted, breaking their trance.

It was a palace guard, and he was pointing at Hugh. "He was one of the attackers. When they realized they were losing, I saw him shift and then hightail it down the street toward this church."

Beatrice scoffed.

Officers held lanterns aloft while others moved toward them, grabbing Hugh by the arms, hauling him to his feet. Emile was a blur moving between him and the policeman. She hissed, her fangs fully extended, but when she glanced at Hugh, he could see in her eyes she wasn't in control. He looked back at Constance.

She was still kneeling next to her brother, but her eyes were a swirling storm. He glanced down at the street to see several men materializing from abandoned buildings and alleys. They circled the soldiers that had surrounded the building.

"Constance," he said as calmly as he could. "It's alright, these men are just doing their jobs."

She glanced at him, the otherworldly look in her eyes making a shiver run down his spine.

"They've already taken too much from me." Her voice was quiet, but there was iron in it. "I will lose nothing else."

The policeman and soldiers traded glances. They didn't know what or who she was, but they could feel that she was dangerous.

"Unhand my fiancé," she said, training that frightening gaze on the constable who seemed in charge.

He looked at Hugh and then at Emile and when neither of them moved; he drew a pistol.

Adrenaline shot through Hugh.

Constance stood and as she did, he could feel the air pressure around them drop so fast it hurt his inner ear. They could all feel it, supernatural and regular man alike.

"You better do as the lady says," Emile said calmly. "We won't be able to protect you from her."

Hugh wasn't entirely sure what Constance would or could do to non-supernaturals, but the damage that she could wreck controlling him and Emile alone was frightening enough.

"There was an attack on the royal family," the policeman said. "Clearly, this young woman had something to do with it."

"Look at her wrists," Emile commanded. "Does it look like she is here of her own free will? This man here," she pointed to Baines, who was barely conscious, "is responsible for all of this."

"It's true," Hannah said. "He and Lord Huntsman abducted us from our home. They forced Constance to use her power. If she hadn't, they would have killed us—" her voice broke, and she buried her face in Owen's shoulder.

Hugh caught Constance's eye. Your people are my people, the look said. Hugh's throat was tight. She had done everything she could to save Hannah and Gran, to save their pack.

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