Chapter Forty-Six

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Hugh came to slowly, the wolf madness fading, his mouth dry, his throat raw.

His thoughts were bleary and disjointed. Constance had been there with him and then she'd...

"Constance!" He said, sitting up with a jolt.

"She's gone," Simon said.

Hugh turned his head. Simon was standing several feet away, gripping the key to Hugh's cell so tightly his knuckles were white.

It had really happened then. She'd rushed back to Baines. His stomach dropped. He'd hoped it was some kind of full moon vision or something.

"I can't find her," Simon said, his voice tight with worry.

"She's gone to London," Hugh said, gathering up his clothes.


"I think—" his brain was sluggish. "I think she's trying to rescue my sister." He pulled on his pants. "Your family too."

"They were supposed to be safe in London," Simon said, his tone accusatory.

"I know." He pulled his shirt on over his head. "I'm going after them now."

"I'm coming."

"Constance wants you safe. She asked me to keep you safe."

"I'm coming. You might need me."

"No," Hugh said, pulling his boots on.

"Then I won't let you out."

Hugh's head throbbed. "Mr. Carlson will be down here in an hour, and he'll let me out."

"That's one hour you'll lose going after my sister, and one hour I'll be on my way to London without you."

"Do you even know your way?"

Simon shrugged.

"Fine," Hugh sighed. "But you absolutely will do as I tell you once we're there."

Simon nodded and then opened the cell door. He flinched as the hinges screamed.

"We have to ride hard, Simon," Hugh said pointedly. If the boy couldn't handle the shriek of an old door, how was he supposed to handle two days of hard riding?

"You might need me," he lifted his chin. He didn't look like a little boy in that moment. He looked like a young man.

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