He chuckled at her behavior while holding onto her like a toddler.

"I do"

"Good" she said, giving him a final kiss on his forehead like one would to a baby.

She slipped down and ran to his closet, pulled out his sweat shirt and boxers smiling sheepishly at him while walking to the bathroom.

He smiled and shook his head.

They've come a long way. From her not being able to talk properly to her boldly ordering him around and stealing his clothes.

Yes, the previous set of clothes she borrowed are still with her only.

A 'woof' brought him back from his trance.

He looked at the source of the sound and found him running in circles on his bed.

He went and sat on the edge and immediately the puppy started rubbing himself on him.

"Are you a fucking cat or what? Get the fuck away from me."
He nudged him gently.

But it didn't move but settled more cozily on his lap.

He scowled but unknowingly started combing through his fur while waiting for her to come outside.

The dog fell asleep and he was feeling drowsy himself because of the medicines kicking in and because he hasn't slept well these past few days.

She came out and almost cried at the sight.

Quietly fishing out her phone from her purse she snapped a few good pictures of her man with the most adorable little puppy on his lap.

She giggled and advanced towards them. She very delicately took the puppy in her hands making him jerk open his eyes.

"Oops sorry. You should lie down properly, you must be tired."

He yawned loudly and nodded.

He went under the covers and patted the space next to him.

She quickly turned off the lights save for the night lamp and snuggled in his arms not before making a bed of pillows for the unnamed puppy on her right side.

It didn't take him more than ten minutes to drift off to slumber but he did hear her saying 'get well soon baby' and a kiss on his forehead.


The next morning he woke up cuddling with his tiny girlfriend and the puppy as if that's what he's been doing since birth.

Ailee on his left and the Cockapoo on his right.

He coughed a little which caused her to stir a little and then jolt up.

"Are you okay? Water?" she said clumsily stumbling out of the bed and immediately fetching him a glass of water from the nightstand.

He looked at her holding it out to him with her eyes squinted, trying her best to open them but they both knew it would take her more than that to wake up completely.

He accepted the glass while thanking her.

She nodded and checked her phone for the time.
It was six in the morning so she lay down close to him not wanting to make him uncomfortable in his current condition.

Two minutes later she sat up straight once again and looked at him then looked at the baby next to him. Suddenly remembering the dog.

"You both look so cute. I'mma cryyyy" she spoke in a low voice, cautious of waking it up.

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