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A long time ago in the Netherworld, there was a noble family of demonic vampires, the familia Suzuki. Suzuki Mayumi and Suzuki Lucas will be parents soon. Vampires only give birth once every 1000 years, which is why the two were so excited about their soon-to-be child. Everything was already prepared for their child.
5 months later, Mayumi was 8 months pregnant and was about to give birth in a month when suddenly she heard a noise. Their servant was shouting. When she was about to take a look at what was happening, someone barked at the door to open and immediately took her hands. The servant created a portal for both him and his lady to escape, but before they managed to escape completely, a spear stabbed the lady. The servant then fought the person who attacked them and killed him. He carried the bleeding woman in bride style, then ran into the portal. Once they entered inside, he immediately tried to heal his lady, but then he heard a soft whisper.
"No need to heal me, Ali-kun. I can feel my body dying already, but the baby can still be saved. Please save my child and treat him as your own. Thank you for everything," the woman said to his loyal servant.
Ali the servant didn't say anything and decided to take the baby out of his dying mother's tummy. He took the baby and put it into the orb that he created for the baby to survive even in the absence of months. A few minutes later, the lady's body was slowly vanishing. He ran far away from the scene with a purple orb in his hand.
"Don't worry, my lady, I will protect the young master no matter what," Ali silently said. Ali changed his appearance based on the people who were living in the world he traveled. He noticed that the people were speaking in a language he didn't understand at all, which is why he decided to silently learn everything on his own.

20 years later, Ali managed to get everything he and the child needed. He has decent work and an average house. The purple orb has still shown no sign of hatching. It makes him more worried, but every time he checks it, the orb is fine and healthy.
'Perhaps because we were in a different world, that makes the orb hatch slower,' he thought to himself.

After 100 years, Ali was getting weaker and weaker. He knew why; it was because he had been living in this world for 120 years. Still, the orb had no sign of hatching, making him feel disappointed at himself. "It seems like I'm going to die before my young master hatches." That's why Ali thought of a plan. He decided to seal himself in a suzuki family treasured ring and place himself inside the orb with a sleeping baby beside him.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Feb 11 ⏰

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