Part 2: Chapter 12

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I hesitated knocking on the door of the house in Feldcroft. I didn't know how Cerus would react. Even if I was trying to forgive him didn't mean the fear was gone.

The snow that hadn't melted yet made everything seem quiet. It was almost unnerving. Finally I have a small few knocks but Cerus swung the door open right away.

"Ava! Are you okay?" He asked pulling me into a hug making me freeze in place. He felt how stiff I had become and pulled back. "I'm sorry. You never showed up that night and I got worried."

"I'm sorry, stuff came up. I had to go to France to rescue Sebastian."

"You're always saving that boy." He let me come in and motioned for me to sit at the table. "Aren't you tired of it ever?"

"Saving the man I love? Not really." I looked at Cerus like he was crazy. He poured hot water into a teacup and placed a teabag in it.

"Love?" He shook his head. "Didn't he use you all fifth year? And pick on you?"

"I believe the picking on was him attempting to flirt." I smiled to myself a bit embarrassed.

"I'd never treat a woman like that. I'd always tell her exactly how I feel." He sat across from me and leaned back a bit crossing his arms.

"Uh-huh... what did you want to talk about that night?" I changed the subject so it wouldn't get uncomfortable.

Cerus stayed quiet for a moment looking at the fire. "The night I almost died, were you there the moment I was killed?"

The question caught me off guard a bit, "I.. I was near by."

"So you know who did it?"he asked.


"I don't know. I just feel like I need to do something about it. I had never felt a need for revenge until recently."

I laughed softly starting to get nervous, "what changed your mind?"

"You." I stayed quiet trying to keep my breathing even. "I feel like I have to prove myself to you."

"You... you don't need to do that."

"Why did someone try to kill me?"

I looked into his eyes trying to read what he was thinking. I let out a long sigh, "I don't know." I lied. I could feel my hands shaking under the table. "I'm sorry."

"I just keep getting horrible nightmares lately, you are always there, pointing your wand at me crying and looking angry." He shook his head confused.

"Nightmares can be scary." I said in barely a whisper.

"I know you'd never actually hurt me."

"I... have to get back to Hogwarts before my afternoon class."

I began to stand when he grabbed my hand, "Ava, is there any chance for us?"

"Where is this coming from? No, there isn't any chance."

He looked sad, "when you didn't show up and then I heard after it was because you left to rescue Sallow it hurt me. It hurt me in a way I didn't think it would ever effect me."

I pulled my hand away. "I have to go."

I didn't even go outside, I just aparated back to the school from inside the house. The nausea hit me a little still making me bend over and hold my stomach in case something came out.

"How did you do this again?" Sebastian's voice caught me off guard since I was sure I had wanted to aparate in to my dorm.

I looked up and he and Ominis were sitting on the floor by the fire place in the Slytherin common room. Shit. I must have been thinking about Sebastian and not my common room.

"Would you believe I aparate in my sleep?" I sheepishly smiled.

"No," Sebastian grinned.

"Yes," Ominis sighed.

"How in the world Did Hufflepuff get in here?" Imelda asked walking in to the room.

"I got lost." I began to walk to the spiral stairs to get out. "Let me get out of your hair."

Sebastian hopped up to his feet and hurried to my side, "I'll let lead you out since I did show you that secret passage way." He lied.

As we exited the common room I began to try to sneak away towards my common room only to have Sebastian yank me into a broom closet that was near by and shut us in after making sure no one saw us. "Not so fast, love. You went to see him alone?" Sebastian didn't sound mad, he sounded jealous.

"I just went to apologize... and then it got weird so I aparated out of there. I must have been thinking about you instead of my common room."everything came out so fast I wasn't sure he understood it all.

I realized I was against the wall as Sebastian put his hands against the wall at the sides of my head. He seemed to tower over me giving me a big whiff of his cologne. I felt really hot. Sebastian towering over me like this was doing something to me.

"How did it get weird?" He asked softly. The tone of his voice giving me slight chills.

"He.. asked me about the night he died... and then I think he confessed..."

"He what?" Sebastian got closer to me, "you told him you're mine right?"

"Of course!"

"Because you are mine. Only mine." He lift my chin so that I'd look him in the eye.

"You are very flirty today." I began to smile.

"I tend to get turned on when the love of my life is thinking about me so much She aparates to me." He leaned in kissing me on the lips making me forget about Cerus and everything. His lips were so soft and warm. And all mine.

"Wait wait, should we be worried though?" I tried pulling back but it just made Sebastian start kissing my neck making me forget what I was saying again. I tried to keep talking but he wouldn't stop. Just give a soft grunt acting like he was listening to me. "Fine we'll talk about it later." I gave in.

He took my face in my hands and kissed me again I wrapped my arms around his waist smiling into our kiss. I wasn't sure how long we stayed like this but a sound outside the door made me remember we were in a broom closet.

"Oh shit, classes."

Sebastian groaned but pulled back. He quickly checked me over. Straightened out my hair and clothes before doing it to himself. "Fine, go to class before I pull you back in here."

I began to leave before stopping and looking at him, "Sebastian, I love you." His face turned red, "I don't want you to ever think I don't."

"I know, Ava. I love you too." 

He gave me one last peck on the forehead before pushing me out of the closet with a smack on the bum.

Overtaken, book 1Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora