
Sol hoped that her destination would meet up with Master Obi-wan. At least then, she would be executed alongside someone she knew. Maybe they were holding executions in pairs, and Anakin and Padme would be first, and Sol and Obi-wan would follow. Whatever the Geonosians had in store, it could not be good.

Through corridors that Sol noticed were on a gradual incline, the guard started to pull Sol's chain up a staircase. It was long and tiresome, but Sol made sure not to lag behind. The last thing she wanted was to be touched by the hand of the insect species that looked to be coated in a sticky sap. Instead, she thought of Anakin. The only peace she could find was that she had admitted her true feelings to herself and partially to him in their connection to the Force, but she had more to ask him, more to reveal, and more to learn about each other.

With another tug of the chain, Sol realised that they had made it to the top of the staircase. There was a turn to the right before Sol saw the first stroke of daylight she had seen since dropping into the droid factory. A rumble of noise could be heard and the closer she got to the daylight, the louder it became.

She squinted as they stepped out of the dark corridors and saw the grand arena. From the top floor, Sol could see the rows of Geonosians who clicked and buzzed to create the rumble she heard from inside. They flooded the spectator stands that surrounded the centre of sand, where three large polls sat in a row. The sun beamed down, yet no shadows were seen darkening in their wake, making Sol realise that it was midday. They had been held captive on Geonosis for a whole day and were yet to see Master Obi-wan. Sol had felt his teal-coloured Force signature in the cells, but she couldn't decipher how much time had passed since then.

The man could be dead already, or maybe he had been taken off the planet, and their rescue mission had been for nothing.

Sol turned her attention to the crowd of people that she had been led to by the guard. Part of the group was the head of the trade federation, Viceroy Nute Gunray. A Neimoidian, Gunray had red eyes and greying green skin. The species were known for speaking with their bottom lips, and the man had made a name for himself in the republic for being untrustyworthy. She knew that there had been some disloyal actions from the trade federation to the republic, so it was no surprise to see the man there. To his left, was a man with broad shoulders who stood tall at the front of the group. His white hair was slicked back, and he dressed in black, with a black cape skimming the heels of his boots.

'Ah, Jedi Padawan Solaris.'

Count Dooku grinned at her with his hands clasped together. His teeth were large in his mouth and his dark eyes burned into hers. Sol shifted in discomfort at the gaze of the ex-Jedi, but gave him a hard glare in retaliation to the name only one person could call her.

'That's not my title, Count Dooku,' her tone was flat.

'Ah, forgive me, Sol,' he bowed his head in politeness, but it meant nothing of the sort. 'I just assumed it was your true name. I trust you're wondering why you are up here as opposed to down there.'

The man gestured down to the centre of the arena, where ant-sized dots had entered from a large opening in the wall. From what she could see, it was the first and likely the last appearance of Master Obi-wan Kenobi. There was no point for Sol to feel relieved at his presence as he was shackled as she was and was being chained to the pole furthest to the left. But she still was content to see him unbruised, and hoped that he would be able to speak to Anakin before their crippling fate took its place. Sol glanced down but was forced to look back up to avoid having her attention away from the man in front of her. Dooku was dangerous and Sol knew not to underestimate him. He was, after all, the ex-Padawan of Master Yoda.

'But I thought we could further the negotiations away from the senator,' he continued, the cheers from the crowd increasing at the entrance of more prisoners. 'You know how Senator Amidala can be with her threats of war and such. I thought you would be much more level-headed.'

'I am not a negotiator. There is nothing I have the right to compromise on nor give,' Sol said. This conversation confused her, and she feared that her presence in the archducal box meant that she would have to watch Anakin, Obi-wan and Padme be executed. But she tried to appear strong in front of the Count, knowing Master Yoda would be proud to hear that she didn't falter in the presence of his ex-Padawan.

'That is where you are wrong, my dear. There is so much for you to give. Perhaps the most valuable information of all.'

'And that is?'

'The information on the Chosen One.'

Sol could not hide her shock at this. Count Dooku chuckled at his prisoner's expression and glanced over his shoulder to the arena below. The two last prisoners had been guided to the poles where they were chained with their arms crossed above their heads. Spectators were getting restless, and it was time for Dooku to make his grand address, before the executions would begin.

'We will begin negotiations after the show. I'm sure you can wait,' he said, and Sol was even more confused. Count Dooku went to raise his arms to silence the crowd, but Sol inched forward in haste to stop him.

'What? Negotiations after they've already been killed?!'

'Nonsense. The Chosen One is down there. The negotiations will be for both his and your benefit, my dear,' Dooku said over his shoulder and grinned at her. 'Now, sit tight and enjoy the power of the Chosen One.' 

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